Monday, September 16, 2019

Process Of Training and Development Company Essay

The training process is to provide the means to enable learning. Which should try to guide learning experiences into positive and beneficial and complement and reinforce them with planned activities for individuals at all levels of the company to acquire knowledge more quickly and develop those attitudes and skills that benefit themselves themselves and the company. The training covers a programmed sequence of events that can be expressed as a continuous process whose cycle is renewed each time it is repeated. The steps of the training process are a model of open system whose components are: – Inputs (Inputs) -. Individuals in training, business resources, information, skills, etc.. – Processing or operation -. Individual learning process, training program, etc.. – Outputs (Outputs) -. Enabled Personal, organizational effectiveness or success, etc.. – Feedback (feedback) -. Evaluation of procedures and training results through informal means or systematic research. Training Process: is a cyclic and continuous process consisting of four stages. 1) Diagnosis: inventory of training needs to be met. These needs can be past, present or future. 2) Design: development of a training program to meet the needs diagnosed. 3) Implementation: implementation and conduct of the training program. 4) Evaluation: verification of training results. 1. Diagnosis of training needs and training. Means needs assessment process by which it is to coordinate the structuring, development of plans and different programs to use to establish and strengthen equally the knowledge and skills of the members of a organization, this is done with the sole purpose of completing the objectives it has set the organization. At the time of the preparation of a report diagnosing training needs, it is necessary to consider why the person or group that will train and especially when this training was made. As a main rule a diagnosis of training needs is accomplished when the following cases occur: – Problems that occur within the organization. – Deviations in productivity. – Changes in regards to culture, politics, methods and techniques. – Lower or promotion of staff. – Changes of tasks or jobs and / or charges. Three. Announcements Press on training and training.   4 Designing training plan and training: The training is vocational education that fits man for a position or function within an organization. And the training is an educational process of strategic organized and applied systemically, through which people acquire or develop specific knowledge and skills related to work. The training follows the following objectives: †¢ Analyze and solve problems †¢ Work productively in teams †¢ Scroll from post to post Develop a training program or course involves the generation of documents and materials that will be used in the course for trainers and participants during the course delivery in accordance with the design. To proceed with the restructuring plan and training programs depends on the ability of the organization to identify training needs. The design of the training should focus on four issues 1) intruccionales Objectives: Describe the skills or knowledge to be acquired and the attitudes will change. 2) Provision of trained and motivation: Participants must recognize the need to acquire new knowledge or skills, keeping the desire to learn. 3) Principles of learning: are the characteristics of training programs that help employees understand the new material to apply. 4) Characteristics of Instructors: Teaching Skills and responsibility to lead. After employees have completed their training programs should evaluate the program to see if the objective was met, seeking to develop skills i n people to be more productive, creative and innovative, they can better contribute to organizational objectives and are increasingly valuable. That is why we are looking to achieve the objectives of a training plan, and among them this: †¢ Productivity: The training helps employees to increase their efficiency and performance. †¢ Quality: The plans properly designed and implemented training contribute to raising the quality of the production workforce. When workers are better informed about the duties and responsibilities. †¢ Health and Safety: Mental health and physical safety of an employee are directly related to the  training efforts of an organization. Proper training can help prevent accidents. †¢ Prevention of Obsolescence: The employee training efforts are needed to keep them updated on progress in their respective fields laborares. †¢ Personal Development: On a personal level employees benefit from training plans, because they offer a wide range of knowledge, a greater sense of competence, a larger repertoire of skills, which are indicators of personal development. Training is thus an inv estment for an organization. As the results obtained it benefit not only the employee, but also contributes to the achievement of business objectives. This work allows for recognizing and future requirements, ensuring the company supplying qualified employees and the development of human resources available; where the training plan plays a very important role in the development of human resources of an organization role, as its correct application becomes a means of motivation and encouragement to employees, which ultimately ends up benefiting the organization. May. What is E-Learning? E-learning comes from the words Electronic Learning, which describes the use of technology and multimedia tools in a learning process that leads to student retention and assimilation of the contents hereof. It is a new form of education and training that takes place through communication networks such as Internet or Intranet. The Internet technology via a Learning Manager Software enables access to structured and organized a personal training plan, no curfew, breaking any physical or geographical barriers that exist. Self-taught or under accompanied by a tutor, the student manages time to devote to train according to their occupations and schedule. The E-learning presents many benefits as: 1. Removing barriers of time, distance, economic and social, individuals can take control of their own educational life. Two.’s Skills and knowledge have to be updated constantly.   March. New technologies, along with e-learning, will help companies of all sizes, and countries to adapt to the demands of the new economy. April. Unifying all concepts in electronic versions, the employee can get the information you need when you need it, through a system that tracks the progress of each of the individuals, tailored to their own possibilities.  May. Content developers, experts and the community of people looking to learn, are interconnected. 6. Whoever receives education can practice their skills individually or through virtual teams around specific areas of interest. . 7 E-learning delivers superior learning at reduced costs; greater access to learning and a method of measuring clear to all participants in the process. 8. In today’s culture marching at a rapid pace, or ganizations that implement e-learning processes will deliver your workforce the ability to turn change into a competitive advantage. While e-learning has many advantages, it also has its drawbacks. E-learning often encounter resistance from some companies and employees reluctant to use a new learning method that is unfamiliar to them. The student, the company and the trainer: The following table lists the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning from the point of view of its three protagonists are listed. †¢ For the student  advantages Disadvantages The student is the protagonist of your e-learning course of computer tools Apprehension, reluctance to use new technologies Interactivity and attractiveness of e-learning content management autonomy by not having a work program tax Flexibility and adaptability to their availability (time, location) Management motivation and participation in the course of e-learning, concentration effort Training at their own pace, regardless of the other students not direct contact with forming set (unless the training is mixed) Self-evaluation during and at the end of the course Personal Tracking progress in the course and balance of results obtained by tracking (tracking) †¢ For the company  advantages Disadvantages Massive Training (unlimited number of students) Companies often poorly informed and displayed suspicious as to new technologies relates Savings in indirect costs related to classroom courses (travel, accommodation, etc.). Has no control over the motivation, participation and management of the course students Flexibility and adaptability according to availability of  students (time, place) Investment in computer hardware and software Ability to customize and adjust the courses according to pre-defined competencies and educational objectives is often difficult to define the content of e-learning courses to highly specialized materials (check) Less logistical constraints (no need to book a classroom or displace employees or find accommodation, etc.) Control of changes in service training Accurate reporting and analysis of the courses thanks to the automated tracking results Materials perennial training and updatable †¢ For the trainer  advantages Prerequisites to assess the level of students No direct contact with the student is established (unless the training is mixed) Interactive and engaging training tools for him and the students stop being the â€Å"wise† to become the â€Å"leader† Flexibility and adaptability to availability (time, place) Passing a basically oral communication other written Tracking students from the platform (tracking) To succeed in e-learning is needed that the contents are: †¢ Update -.’s A logical feature, but that does not always happen. The degree of obsolescence varies greatly depending on the subject but it is a factor to consider. †¢ The teaching sequence Adaptable/adaptado.- or training routes should not be the same for all students, must adapt to the answers and skills of each. Thus a dynamic and interactive learning is achieved, and not boring or frustrating students. †¢ Attractive -. The content must call the student’s attention, find it appealing. It is important to capture that first attention, to make you feel motivated. †¢ Chart -. The amount of text should be as short as possible, and you need to use the potential of technologies like Flash to animate processes, demonstrations, relationships, etc.. †¢ Multimedia -.’s Important to use multimedia technology, rationally combining text, photos, audio and text with photos, videos and text, etc.. †¢ Direct -. The language used in this medium mu st be as clear and direct as possible, the displayed reading is difficult and therefore we must make an effort of synthesis to the design of an online content. †¢ Playful -. The  old saying â€Å"the rod and spoil† has ceased to have effect. The playful aspect, the game is one of the most effective teaching strategies, and this aspect must be encouraged throughout the training material. †¢ Must have continuous Prà ¡ctico/Interactivo.- practices or examples or references to reality situations and continuous interactive exercises. The student must be an active subject, to interact with objects on screen, which is not a mere spectator or listener. †¢ Teaching resources. – In an online content can use different teaching resources, expository texts, diagrams, animations, illustrations, concept maps, glossary words, footnotes, download files, web links, etc.. †¢ Evaluative -. The student needs to know the result achieved, progress in learning, so the test or self-assessed exercises, showing the results and an explanation of Error automatically display are needed. †¢ Self Contained. – If the support of a teacher is minimal or liability is vital that the content itself incorporates the means fo r students to learn the interface and solve the doubts that arise. †¢ Full -. A content can not cover all aspects of a particular subject. There is a process of choosing what is important, adequate, relevant. 6. Coanching What is and Mentoring? Mentoring is the process by which a person with more experience teaches, advises, guidance and assistance in personal and professional development of other investing time, energy and knowledge. It is a process not only applies to new employees but is especially effective for workers that can be hired and promoted in the near future. The mentoring arises because companies need professionals who can deal with change initiative and creativity. It is also important to manage teams, motivate them and make them leaders, since in competitive environment people with leadership skills are essential in business. You need to optimize resources and maximize the talent of the staff. Types Mentorig †¢ Situational Mentoring: is when the pupil provides a report and mentor comes to her aid, careful not to intervene too much. †¢ Formal Mentoring: in this case previously formulated goals to measure subsequently featured in this type of mentoring 3 figures that are the mentor, mentee and the coordinator, the latter makes the program functions to support and monitor the conception  objectives. †¢ Informal Mentoring: this applies for short periods, where pupils are conducted by the mentor, and makes them share experiences, skills and competencies. Coaching: Coaching is the process in which support and guidance to individuals and teams improve and optimize their performance. That brings all the talent of the person is helped to acquire new skills. Remove limitations of the person or group is important in coaching. It is a relationship where the coach assists employees in learning new ways of being and doing, new ways of doing tares necessarily to generate a positive change that improves the productivity of the company. The idea is not to identify and penalize errors or failures, but make others discover their own mistakes. The coach must be based on asking questions rather than make statements, but it is not only ask questions, but each of these made ​​by the coach has a particular purpose. Tasks based on clear and well-defined goals, even arrive at the specific tasks related to the goals to achieve. Once explained, it is the employee who must take these goals as their own. Coaching is important because it allows employees to adapt to changes effectively and efficiently. Uncover the potential of people, allowing them to achieve the goals that would otherwise be considered unreachable, which also predisposes people for collaboration, teamwork and consensus building. Recognition is a key part in her coachig, meaning â€Å"take into account† and â€Å"recognize† individual contributions and to some extent motivate and reward where it is due. There are 2 types of rewards: †¢ Social Rewards publication, flexible hours, scholarships, training, etc. †¢ Financial Rewards

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