Thursday, October 31, 2019

Encouraging Teachers to Use Rubrics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Encouraging Teachers to Use Rubrics - Assignment Example m setting teachers already know beforehand what will make a given task average or excellent, this places the learners at a disadvantage from the start. Rubrics enables the teacher to provide a guideline that the students follow and in so doing they are able to increase the quality of their work and the knowledge they acquire from any given assignment. The use of rubrics by teachers is beneficial to all the parties involved in the education process such as the teachers, students and parents. It makes the assessment process more accurate and fair since each student is graded individually and not based on a general overall task given to them. Teachers also get to give instructions on how a task ought to be handled and the delivery process and so the students can streamline their work so as to achieve the desired outcome. Such instructions can be used by the students for self assessment (Hafner&Hafner, 2004). According to research, when done by peers, this type of critism helps learners to improve. Use of rubrics also makes the students aware of the learning targets, this way they can work in a manner that increases their chances of hitting them and so getting better

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Beatles Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Beatles - Research Paper Example John Lennon did not completely stand out on the album, although his compositions are remarkable: ‘I Want You (She’s So Heavy),’ which blends into a flurry of white noise; ‘Because,’ which presents several of the greatest symphony the Beatles ever recorded; and, the groovy ‘Come Together’. Ringo, with his ‘Octopus’s Garden’, carried on with the aquatic escapade he had begun on ‘Yellow Submarine’ (Perone 32). However, it is Paul who conquers the album. He presents a satirical performance with ‘Maxwell’s Silver Hammer’ on side one. Afterward, he shows off his finest voice quality for â€Å"Oh! Darling† (Perone 32). On side two, Paul also manage the medleys, performing almost all the lead singings, starting the first medley with ‘You Never Give Me Your Money’, a gloomy depiction of the Beatles’ current financial and managerial difficulties; this shifts into the appealing, wistful ‘Sun King’ of John, then by a sequence of pen sketches: ‘Mean Mr. Mustard’, ‘Polythene Pam’, and ‘She Came in through the Bathroom Window’. All the songs were led by Paul (Womack 68). It is an exceptionally talented creation by musicians performing at the height of their careers, making it even more difficult to think that these same singers and composers would not collaborate ever again. The Beatles may not have been the first popular rock band to own and use the synthesizers of Robert Moog. Nevertheless, as soon as the Beatles had obtained a Moog synthesizer, they took complete advantage of it on Abbey Road. Moog’s synthesizer can be heard obviously on a number of songs and furnishes the album an advanced rock sound, which enhances the pop, blues, rock, and singer-composer flairs that are also present all over the album (Holm-Hudson 218). Perhaps, one of the more delicate and successful application of the Moog synthesizer of the period is in ‘Here Comes the Sun’ by George Harrison, the track

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Working Principle Of Network OSI Layers

The Working Principle Of Network OSI Layers A stand-alone personal computer means a computer having an operating system, user programs and data. It has the means to put information on a floppy diskette, on a hard disk, or on paper. Information from such a computer to passes to another user only by first taking a copy. The copy can be in a form of a printout or it can be information in a floppy disk, a removable hard disk, or on a compact disk. Analysis of data 1. What is computer network? A  computer network, often simply referred to as a network, is a collection of  computers  and devices interconnected by communications channels that facilitate communications among users and allows users to share resources. Networks may be classified according to a wide variety of characteristics. A computer network allows sharing of resources and information among interconnected devices. 2. Elements of computer networks End  devices, also referred as hosts: The sources and destinations of the communication. The devices the end users are most familiar with. These devices act as the  interface  between the end users and the underlying  network. Intermediary devices: Devices that give network access to the attached end devices and  transport  the messages between hosts. Usually it is  transparent  to the end users. Also, these devices accomplish communication functions in order to ensure the success of the communication process.  Examples: Hubs, switches, routers, modems, firewalls, etc. Transmission media: The physical media that  connects  the devices, enabling the exchange of messages between them. It may be wired, that is, some  copper  cable or optical  fiber  cable, or wireless, that is, some radio link. Services:  Network, aware software applications that request network resources in order to enjoy the end user of the application some provided service. Processes: Software that runs on network devices in order to support the communication functions in accordance with the established, also in software, communication rules or protocols and facilitate the provision of services to the end users. Messages: Well-known applications. Include telephone calls, e-mail, web pages, etc. Devices and media are the physical elements or hardware of the network, whereas the services and the processes are the computer programs or software of the network. We have to note that modern  computer networks  are converged data or information networks, meaning that can carry any type of information between wide ranges of devices, and provide previously separate and distinct conventional communication methods and services, as well as new, alternative communication forms onto a common platform. 3. Explanation about seven OSI layers in clear The OSI, or Open System Interconnection, model defines a networking framework for implementing protocols in seven layers. Control is passed from one layer to the next, starting at the application layer in one station, and proceeding to the bottom layer, over the channel to the next station and back up the hierarchy. The  OSI, or Open System Interconnection, model defines a networking framework for implementing protocols in seven layers. Control is passed from one layer to the next, starting at the application layer in one station, and proceeding to the bottom layer, over the channel to the next station and back up the hierarchy. Application (Layer 7): This layer supports  application  and end-user processes. Communication partners are identified, quality of service is identified, user authentication and privacy are considered, and any constraints on data  syntax  are identified. Everything at this layer is application-specific. This layer provides application services for  file transfers,  e-mail, and other  network  software  services.  Telnet  and  FTP  are applications that exist entirely in the application level. Tiered application architectures are part of this layer. Presentation (Layer 6) This layer provides independence from differences in data representation by translating from application to network format, and vice versa. The presentation layer works to transform data into the form that the application layer can accept. This layer formats and encrypts data to be sent across a  network, providing freedom from compatibility problems. It is sometimes called the syntax layer. Session (Layer 5) This layer establishes, manages and terminates connections between applications. The session layer sets up, coordinates, and terminates conversations, exchanges, and dialogues between the applications at each end. It deals with session and connection coordination. Transport (Layer 4) This layer provides transparent transfer of data between end systems, or  hosts, and is responsible for end-to-end error recovery and  flow control. It ensures complete data transfer. Network (Layer 3) This layer provides  switching  and  routing  technologies, creating logical paths, known as  virtual circuits, for transmitting data from  node  to node. Routing and forwarding are functions of this layer, as well as  addressing,  internetworking, error handling,  congestion  control and packet sequencing. Data Link (Layer 2) At this layer, data packets are  encoded  and decoded into bits. It furnishes transmission protocol  knowledge and management and handles errors in the physical layer, flow control and frame synchronization. The data link layer is divided into two sub layers: The Media Access Control layer and the  Logical Link Control  layer. The MAC sub layer controls how a computer on the network gains access to the data and permission to transmit it. The LLC layer controls frame  synchronization, flow control and error checking. Physical (Layer 1) This layer conveys the bit stream electrical impulse, light or radio signal through the  network  at the electrical and mechanical level. It provides the  hardware means of sending and receiving data on a carrier, including defining cables, cards and physical aspects.  Fast Ethernet,  RS232, and  ATM  are  protocols  with physical layer components. 4. Relationship between all the layers The OSI model originally distinguishes between service, interval and protocols.   The TCP/IP model doesnt clearly distinguish between service, interval and protocol. The OSI model is a reference model. .The TCP/IP model is an implementation of the OSI model. In OSI model, the protocols came after the model was described. In TCP/TP model, the protocols came first, and the model was really just a description of the existing protocols. In OSI model, the protocols are better hidden. In TCP/IP model, the protocols are not hidden. The OSI model has 7 layers. The TCP/IP model has only 4 layers. The OSI model supports both connectionless and connection-oriented communication in the network layer, but only connection -oriented communication in transport layer. The TCP/IP model supports both connectionless and connection-oriented communication in the transport layer, giving users the choice. Explain all the layers with example network? Application Layer 7: It is employed in software packages which implement client-server software. When an application on one computer starts communicating with another computer, then the Application layer is used. The header contains parameters that are agreed between applications. This header is often only sent at the beginning of an application operation. Examples of services within the application layer include: FTP DNS SNMP SMTP gateways Web browser Network File System (NFS) Telnet and Remote Login (rlogin) X.400 FTAM Database software Print Server Software Presentation Layer 6: This provides function call exchange between host operating systems and software layers. It defines the format of data being sent and any encryption that may be used, and makes it presentable to the Application layer. Examples of services used are listed below: MIDI HTML GIF TIFF JPEG ASCII EBCDIC Session Layer 5: The Session layer defines how data conversations are started, controlled and finished. The Session layer manages the transaction sequencing and in some cases authorization. The messages may be bidirectional and there may be many of them, the session layer manages these conversations and creates notifications if some messages fail. Indications show whether a packet is in the middle of a conversation flow or at the end. Only after a completed conversation will the data is passed up to layer 6. Examples of Session layer protocols are listed below: RPC SQL NetBIOS names AppleTalk ASP Decent SCP Transport Layer 4: This layer is responsible for the ordering and reassembly of packets that may have been broken up to travel across certain media. Some protocols in this layer also perform error recovery. After error recovery and reordering the data part is passed up to layer 5. Examples are: TCP UDP SPX Network Layer 3: This layer is responsible for the delivery of packets end to end and implements a logical addressing scheme to help accomplish this. This can be connectionless or connection-oriented and is independent of the topology or path that the data packets travel. Routing packets through a network is also defined at this layer plus a method to fragment large packets into smaller ones depending on MTUs for different media. Once the data from layer 2 has been received, layer 3 examines the destination address and if it is the address of its own end station, it passes the data after the layer 3 headers to layer 4. Examples of Layer 3 protocols include: Appletalk DDP IP IPX DECnet Data Link Layer 2: This layer deals with getting data across a specific medium and individual links by providing one or more data link connections between two network entities. End points are specifically identified, if required by the Network layer Sequencing. The frames are maintained in the correct sequence and there are facilities for Flow control and Quality of Service parameters such as Throughput, Service Availability and Transit Delay. Examples include: IEEE 802.2 IEEE 802.3 802.5 Token Ring HDLC Frame Relay FDDI ATM PPP The Data link layer performs the error check using the Frame Check Sequence in the trailer and discards the frame if an error is detected. It then looks at the addresses to see if it needs to process the rest of the frame itself or whether to pass it on to another host. The data between the header and the trailer is passed to layer 3. The MAC layer concerns itself with the access control method and determines how use of the physical transmission is controlled and provides the token ring protocols that define how a token ring operates. The LLC shields the higher level layers from concerns with the specific LAN implementation. Physical Layer 1: This layer deals with the physical aspects of the media being used to transmit the data. The electrical, mechanical, procedural and functional means this defines things like pin outs, electrical characteristics, modulation and encoding of data bits on carrier signals. It ensures bit synchronization and places the binary pattern that it receives into a receive buffer. Once it decodes the bit stream, the physical layer notifies the data link layer that a frame has been received and passes it up. Examples of specifications include: V.24 V.35 EIA/TIA-232 EIA/TIA-449 FDDI 802.3 802.5 Ethernet RJ45 NRZ NRZI Conclusion To conclude with a computer network provides connectivity between computers like autonomous systems, networks or nodes. It permits sharing of various resources among all, or several, or one of those computers that are associated with the network.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Morality in O’Brien’s Going After Cacciato Essay -- Going After Caccia

Morality in O’Brien’s Going After Cacciato  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   Going After Cacciato, by Tim O'Brien, is a book that presents many problems in understanding. Simply trying to figure out what is real and what is fantasy and where they combine can be quite a strain on the reader. Yet even more clouded and ambiguous are the larger moral questions raised in this book. There are many so-called "war crimes" or atrocities in this book, ranging from killing a water buffalo to fragging the commanding officer. Yet they are dealt with in an almost offhanded way. They seem to become simply the moral landscape upon which a greater drama is played-- i.e. the drama of running away from war, seeking peace in Paris. This journey after Cacciato turns into a morality play, the road Westward metaphor. As Dennis Vannatta explains, "The desire to flee may have begun as a reaction to fear, but by the time the squad has reached Paris, Paul has nurtured and cultivated it until it has become a political, moral, and philosophical statement" (245). But what abo ut the atrocities going on all the time? How could they be ignored in the face of this larger drama? As Milton J. Bates puts it, although Going After Cacciato is "not atrocity-based in the manner of much Vietnam War autobiography and fiction, [it does] record incidents in which Vietnamese civilians are beaten or killed and have their livestock and homes destroyed" (270). This book has an almost offhanded-like way of dealing with these My Lai-like atrocities. Why? What's going on here? Well, one thing that one must take into consideration is the author's aim. As quoted by Timothy J. Lomperis at a conference, O'Brien has said, "'For me, the purpose of writing fiction is to explore moral quandaries. The... ...ving dreamed a marvelous dream, I urge you to step boldly into it, to join your dream and to live it" (O'Brien 284). Thoughts lead to actions. But dreaming is also doing. The act of imagination can sometimes have more power than any technological weapon. It is imaginations that stop wars. It is art fulfilling its role in society. It is art that brings the moral issues. It is art that makes us human.    Works Cited Bates, Milton J. "Tim O'Brien's Myth of Courage." Modern Fiction Studies 33.2 (Summer 1987): 263-279. Lomperis, Timothy J. "Down the Slippery Slope: Tensions Between Fact and Fiction." Interpretive Critique. O'Brien, Tim. Going After Cacciato. New York: Dell, 1978. Vannatta, Dennis. "Theme and Structure in Tim O'Brien's Going After Cacciato." Modern Fiction Studies 28.2 (Summer 1982): 242-246.                  

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Booker Jones Analysis Essay

1. A. If the cost of barrels were to be incorporated into the inventory account (balance sheet), then the cost of barrels used (Income statement) can be reduced. From 1960-1961, Booker Jones increased its barrels produced from 43,000 barrels to 63,000 barrels. That is 20,000 barrel increased in just one year. The cost per barrels is $31.50. (20,000 * 31.50= $630,000) We can reduce the cost per barrel expense from income statement of $630,000. ïÆ'   (-407,000+630,000= 223,000) Therefore, pretax profit would have been $223,000 instead of net loss of $407,000. B. If the change were made retroactively as of June 1, 1959 then Effect on the balance sheet at the end of 1960 Number of barrel in inventory in 1960 is 172,000 (172,000 barrels * $31.50 = 5,418,000) $5,418,000 is the increased inventory after incorporated the cost of barrels to inventory. ($5418000 + $4,506,000 = $9,924,000) $9,924,000 is the new ending inventory in 1960 Deferring the Aging costs into the inventory balance would increase the Net Profit in 1960. This would then increase the Retained Earnings account on the balance sheet Effect on the balance sheet at the end of 1961 Number of barrels in inventory in 1961 is 192,000 (192,000 barrels * $31.50 = $6,048,000) $6,048,000 is the increased in inventory after incorporating the cost of barrels to inventory ($6,048,000 + $5,030,000 = $11,078,000) $11,078,000 is the new ending inventory in 1960 Deferring the Aging costs into the inventory balance would increase the Net Profit in 1960. This would then increase the Retained Earnings account on the balance sheet Effect on the income statement for 1960 2. We do not believe that Jones went from a profit in 1960 to a loss for 1961 because they can capitalize the patented barrels as inventory instead of expense it. Because of the 4 years aging life, it makes sense to capitalize the barrels and expense it as the aging process reduced. 7. 1. The original Levi’s Store Channel has a higher return on invested capital, meaning it is a good investment in a long run. Column1 Wholesale Channel Estimate Original Levi’s Store Channel Estimate Operating Profit before Tax 4 6 Tax at 40% 1.6 2.4 NOPAT 2.4 3.6 Fixed Asset Factory PP&E 5 5 Distributed PP&E 1 2 Total Fixed Asset 6 7 Non-Cash Working Capital Current Asset 8 12 Current Liability 1 1 Cash 0 0 Total Non-Cash Working Capital 7 11 Invested Capital 13 18 Return on Invested Capital 18% 20% 2. Value Chain Analysis Providing strategic direction – corporate strategy Provide the perfect fit jean for customers Market segment for unsatisfied customers Broaden market segment by offering customized jeans Generating customer demand – sales, marketing and customer service Increase in profit 24% unsatisfied customers Provide more styles, more colors, better fits 4224 possible combination of measurement 400 prototype pairs stock at Kiosk for customers to try on Fulfilling customer demand – supply chain, manufacturing, production Order is transmitted directly to Levi’s factory. Each pair of jeans is individually cut 3 days shipping back to customers (at $5 extra charge per pair) Pull based: responsiveness to actual buying patterns, improve manufacturing, and delivery cycle Need to find ways to fix the 8 months lag between ordering cotton fabric and selling the final pair of jeans. Providing support services – Finance, HR, legal and compliance Need additional finance to pay for trained personal clerks Need to take out loan to finance initial investment of the project In 4 retail store locations

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Network Server Administration

Course number CIS 332, Network Server Administration, lists as its main topics: installing and configuring servers, network protocols, resource and end user management, security, Active Directory, and the variety of server roles which can be implemented. My experience and certification as a Microsoft Certified System Administrator (MCSA) as well as a Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE) demonstrates that I have a thorough grounding in both the theory and practice of the topics covered in this course and should receive credit for it. Installing and configuring servers was the subject of Installing, Configuring and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, which I took in 2001 in preparation for my initial Microsoft Certified Professional certification. This exam covered such topics as installing Microsoft Windows 2000 Server using both an attended installation and an unattended installation; server upgrades from Windows NT (the previous version) and troubleshooting and repairing failed installations. This exam also covered installing and configuring hardware devices and user management. Network protocols were discussed during the training for the exam Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure, which I also took in 2001. This exam covered installing, configuring, troubleshooting and administering such protocols as DNS and DHCP, TCP/IP, NWLink, and IPSec. The training covered such aspects of network protocols as remote access policies and network routing. Security was one of the topics of this exam, as well. Network security using IPSec and encryption and authentication protocols was discussed along with the network implementation details. Resource and end user management was one of the main topics of the Managing and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Environment exam, which also updated my knowledge of security, networking and utilities. The exam covered such topics as user creation and modification, user and group management, Terminal Services management and implementing security and software update services. Security was covered in a number of exams, including Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure, Installing, Configuring and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and Designing Security for   a Windows 2000 Network. All aspects of network security were covered in the various training sessions for these exams, including topics such as analysis of network security requirements in relation to organizational realities and requirements, design and implementation of such specifics as authentication policies, public-key infrastructures and encryption techniques, physical security, and design and implementation of security audit and assurance strategies. Also included were security considerations for all auxiliary services, such as DNS, Terminal Services, SNMP, Remote Installation Services and others. Implementation of Active Directory and knowledge of varied server roles was provided by the exam Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure. The training for this exam encompassed the design and implementation of an Active Directory forest and domain structure as well as planning a DNS strategy for client and server naming. This training also included design and implementation of a number of different server types, such as file and print servers, databases, proxy servers, Web servers, desktop management servers, applications servers and dial-in management servers. Further knowledge of Active Directory and auxiliary services was provided in the training for Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure. This training included such topics as installing, configuring and troubleshooting Active Directory and DNS, implementing Change and Configuration Management, and managing all the components of Active Directory, including moving, publishing and locating Active Directory Objects, controlling access, delegating administrative privileges for objects, performing backup and restore and maintaining security for the Active Directory server via Group Policy and the Security Configuration and Analysis tool. The topics covered in CIS 332, Network Server Administration, have been completely encompassed by my previous experience, training and certification with Microsoft Windows Server 2000, as well as updated knowledge gained by   training for Microsoft Windows Server 2003. I have been constantly increasing my skills and knowledge in this area for the past six years, using both training and work experience to gain certifications which prove that I have a complete grasp of all aspects of the subject matter included in this course. Installing and configuring servers and network protocols, troubleshooting failed installations or configurations, resource and end user management, security design and management, design and implementation of Active Directory services and implementing and administering a wide variety of network server roles are all major aspects of my training and certification experience. I feel I am fully qualified for the information covered in CIS 332, and should be granted credit for this course.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Character Analysis - Jake Sully in Avatar essays

Character Analysis - Jake Sully in Avatar essays After the RDAs unsuccessful attempt to occupy Pandora, Jake Sully and the Navi inhabitants forced the humans to go back to their planet. Jake makes his last entry log, explaining that he would permanently stay in his avatar. Returning to the Tree of Souls, the Navi allow him to undergo the body transfer, from his human body to his avatar body. With his eyes closed, Jake believes he is in his avatar body and the transfer was successful. When Jake opens his eyes, he is blinded by the bright lights facing him. He tries to move his arms, but they are constricted. He attempts to move his legs, but they are also held down by force. He regains his sight and discovers that he is no longer on Pandora with Neytiri. Jake is in a hospital, strapped down to the bed. Dazed and confused, he attempts to break free from the straps, until he sees Colonel Quaritch from his peripheral. Quaritch and Jake make eye contact and stare at each other for a long minute, until Quartich gives him a smirk. Jake is out of words and does not know what is going on. Quaritch debriefs Jake and tells him that he was cyrogenically frozen. While he was asleep, he was put on a virtual training program that tested Jakes loyalty and patriotism for his country, through the Avatar experience. Obviously, Jake had failed and dishonored his country. Not only did he organize a group that massacred many humans, but he aided a fellow Navi in the murder of the Colonel as well. Jake cannot fathom the fact of what had just happened. Quaritch then tells him that since the government has found out about Jakes dangerous and unstable mind, they have decided to give him death by lethal injection. Throughout this whole time, Jake does not say one word. All he thought about was all of his collective memories about Pandora. Two government bodies walk in, wearing white suits. One of them is carrying the lethal injection, and the other is there...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Trouble with Vigorously and Vicariously

Trouble with Vigorously and Vicariously Trouble with Vigorously and Vicariously Trouble with Vigorously and Vicariously By Maeve Maddox So far I havent found it in an article by a professional journalist (thank goodness), but in the course of my web browsing I have discovered the created word vigariously. It is enjoying wide use among bloggers and readers who post comments. Vigariously occurs in contexts that call for either vigorously or vicariously. vigorously with intense energy and force vicariously at second hand; in place of A word vagariously exists in the dictionary: vagariously marked by vagaries However, I dont think that anyone can be confusing this rarely used word with vigorously or vicariously. I understand how vigariously could be a misspelling of vicariously, but its substitution for vigorously puzzles me. Here are a few of the many examples of vigariously I have come across. I watched the whole Rehab marathon on The Reality Network to live vigariously through the people on TV. [I plan] to work up to only taking practice tests vigariously about a month to two months before the September test. (student preparing for LSAT) I have tried vigariously plunging (hand plunger) many times with no results. With these shows, the viewers are able to forget their problems and live vigariously thru those on the shows! I blamed you for sending mixed messages about wanting him in and then arguing so vigariously that he shouldnt be in! Im a Daddy, and Ive been very careful about not living vigariously through my children. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Similes from Literature to Inspire YouSocial vs. SocietalThe 7 Types of Possessive Case

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Art Tatum

Ohio, he was destined for revolutionize Jazz. He was born with a blind eye and the other partially blind, but his ears were his way of seeing the world. He could sit down and play the same music meant for four hands. He was unbeatable at any piano competition. His influence on jazz will be forever respected by Jazz pianists (and non-pianists) worldwide. As a child, Art received a little formal training for piano at Toledo School of Music, but he mainly just taught himself.By the age of 18, he was already playing for radio redcoats and even had his own show at one point. By age 24, he wrote and released Tiger Rag, a song fully equipped with fast beats, Incredibly technical rhythms, and the need for skill. As he continued in his musical career, his articulation, style, and individuality only got better. Art changed the entire face of jazz music. He helped lead the next generation into the bebop era. He was the musician that started to change the chord progressions, fingered with the harmonics, and tried new Inversions of different chords (to get a more Jazzy sound).Datum was able to use his classical background and his Jazzy style to create his own type of music. It was technical and complex, but still full of the freestyle that jazz so easily expresses. He used his left-handedness to create extreme bass parts and his right hand to create beautiful runs up and down the entire piano. Art had incredible ears. Although he was nearly blind in one eye and completely blind In the other, he could see perfectly when it came to music. It was said that Datum could find the dominant note in a flushing toilet. He had Incredible pitch, so e knew exactly which notes would sound perfect with the others.In regard to his piano, they called him, God because he was so good. Datum never stopped playing piano. It was his life. As one man said, Datum played so brilliantly and so much. .. That I thought the piano was goanna break. My mother left the room So I said Whats wrong, Mama? And she said Oh, that man plays too much piano. Even extremely critical people would compliment him for his piano skills. Whenever he ever entered a competition for Plano, he never lost. Arts style of music was not the impel, easy music that anybody could play.HIS technique was mastered. He had the most intricate ornamentation in every line of a song he played. Not only that, but he didnt even seem like he was trying. As he pounded away at the keys, it didnt seem like pounding but more floating. It seemed so effortless to him. Hank Jones said, When I finally met him and got a chance to hear him play in person, It seemed as if he wasnt really exerting much effort, he had an effortless way of playing. It was deceptive. Youd watch him and you couldnt believe what was coming out, what was reaching your ears.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Process - Essay Example Human life, like the life of a leaf, goes through various stages from birth to death and Mrs. Diane Ackerman's symbolic representation of this process helps one in comprehending the real nature of life. The process of human life is symbolically similar to that of a leaf that changes from a green leaf to the dirt, according to the laws of nature. A leaf is very tender and light green when it starts its growth and it becomes green and full of life when days pass by. Similarly, a human being grows from his infancy through adulthood to old age and he becomes part of mud and dirt when he dies. It is a process which is similar to the growth a leaf from a green leaf to the dirt and this process asserts that change is essential for nature by which it preserves the balance of the world. Mrs. Diane Ackerman effectively presents the process of human life through the symbolic representation of a leaf's life from green leaf to the dirt. Human life is a process which starts with birth and ends in death, and it is according to the law of change which keeps the nature in balance. First of all, when a child is born it is like the tender plant or leaf and both grow to become mature. Then, the tender leaf grows to become a green leaf and it is an important phase of its development.

Dictionary Translates Ancient Egypt Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dictionary Translates Ancient Egypt Life - Essay Example This dictionary is said to be 2000 page, and already published online with upcoming printed copies for educational and research purposes. As revealed by scholars, this dictionary can serve as a bridge to connect the past and present Egyptian history that coursed throughout time. This translation of symbols makes history become clearer in understanding their ancient lives in terms of religion, racial, commercial, cultural, social, and political aspects. Further developments in understanding ancient scrolls in papyrus and other historical artifacts are projected to be hastened as more updates and newer editions are expected to come up with the help of this dictionary. Historical Example 1: Egypt is an interesting topic when it comes to its history. Early civilizations started in Egypt where various contributions from foreigners colored their timeline influencing them in various aspects such as political, social, religious, and cultural facets. Egyptologists around the world such as Janet Johnson reveals this part of Egyptian history where various invaders conquered Egypt, such as the Persians, Greeks, and the Romans. Further, she concluded that the dictionary serves as an important tool in revealing easily the many fascinating eras in the history of Egypt Historical Example 2: Demotic language is an abandoned language. This is a fact that needs to be accepted in the modern world. However, no matter how deeply they are buried with time, about 1,500 year ago, still, their relevance in the present time of Egypt can not be erased. They are as part of history as the present civilizations. Although these hieroglyphs seem to be meaningless today, but their deeper meanings are yet uncovered revealing such a healthy and rich bearing to the present day Egypt. This dictionary can revive the ones long dead language to trace the origin of words such as â€Å"adobe† from â€Å"tby† and many more The translation of long forgotten words and symbols can give significance to

Fibromyalgia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fibromyalgia - Essay Example It was observed there is high aggregation of Fibromyalgia in families of Fibromyalgia patients. The mode of inheritance followed is probably polygenic. An association between Fibromyalgia and polymorphisms of the genes in the serotoninergic, dopaminergic and catecholaminergic systems was observed in research. However these polymorphisms are not specific for Fibromyalgia and are associated with a range of somatic disorders and with depression (Buskila 332-8). Stress is often considered as a risk factor for Fibromyalgia It has also been hypothesized that because exposure to stressful conditions can alter the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, the development of fibromyalgia may stem from stress-induced disruption of the HPA axis (McBeth et al . R992-R1000) There is strong evidence that major depression and fibromyalgia are associated with each other. The symptoms of fatigue, sleep disturbances, and cognitive disturbances that are characteristic of Fibromyalgia are also present in depressive illness. Patients with Fibromyalgia often improve with antidepressant medications. Although current major depression was found in only about 18-36% of Fibromyalgia patients, a lifetime history of depression was observed in 50-70% of the cases in a study (Goldenberg 778-779). Gender and age are the other important risk factors in Fibromyalgia as Fibromyalgia is 10 times more prevalent in women than in men and is most likely to be diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50 (Chakravarty and Zoorob 247). The most important signs of Fibromyalgia are pain in multiple sites, fatigue, and poor sleep. Patients often complain of low back pain, which may radiate into the buttocks and legs. Also common are complaints of pain and tightness in the neck and across the upper posterior shoulders. The pain may be described as a burning or gnawing soreness, stiffness, or aching. Many patients awaken frequently at night and have difficulty falling back to sleep. Upon waking, many patients feel exhausted and complain of stiffness, which improves as the day passes by. Pain must last for more than 3 months in all four quadrants of the body.Fibromyalgia is diagnosed if there is a history of widespread pain lasting more than three months-affecting all four quadrants of the body and presence of 11 tender points among the nine pairs of sites specified by the American Rheumatology College (Chakravarty and Zoorob 248-249) Many patients with fibromyalgia complain of cognitive difficulties (known as "brain fog" or "fibrofog") such as short and long-term memory problems, groping for words, and poor vocabulary. Headaches, including migraine type, also are common. A feeling of swollen joints without actual swelling, and paresthesias without objective neurologic findings, are considered two important features of Fibromyalgia (Chakravarty and Zoorob 248). As a medically unexplained syndrome, there is no known cure or universally accepted treatment for fibromyalgia, and treatment is typically aimed at symptom management. Along with pharmaceutical treatment, research was done on a variety of alternative treatments for Fibromyalgia with varying results. Short-term exercise programs for individuals with fibromyalgia have consistently improved physical function, especially physical fitness, and reduced tender point pain; however the exercise must be done at moderate intensity and consistently. The exercise should start at intensities below the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Supervisors at Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Supervisors at Work - Essay Example I believe a supervisor plays a key role in the development of one’s skills, career and growth. It is not only the responsibility of a supervisor to make sure he delegates proper work to those working under him, but also ensure that they are not being over or under worked. Moreover, supervisors also need to ensure the reason behind performance of his delegates and if someone is not performing up to the mark, he needs to sit them down and counsel, and help them in whatever way he can. Besides this, a supervisor should ensure that his team does not get demotivated, and if it does he needs to find out a solution to ensure that the problem is resolved at the earliest. This can be done by linking rewards with performance, and paving a clear promotional structure so workers who work hard know that it will lead them to the next level in the corporate ladder. All these features are portrayed by my supervisor at work and that I have noticed almost all employees working under him are hig hly satisfied with him.Trust, respect and royalty of their seniors is concerned, I have noticed my supervisor does that by keeping two things in check. The first one is ensuring that whatever work is delegated to him, he gets it done efficiently and well on time. The second one is giving an honest opinion to his seniors, despite the fact that they might like it or not. Honest views are highly valued by top management and I have noticed they like people who have the guts to stand by their views and convince others about them.

Dionaea Muscipula As A Carnivorous Plant Research Paper

Dionaea Muscipula As A Carnivorous Plant - Research Paper Example This gives the plant a small boost of nutrients hence promoting growth. Like any other plant that exists, the Venus flytrap also performs photosynthesis. The Venus flytrap’s leaves perform photosynthesis. The plants make use of the sunlight’s energy in creating sugar for fueling the plant. The broad leaves that are just below the traps act as the solar collectors. There is a very close relationship that is in existence between the plants’ activities of insect trapping and the plant’s rate of photosynthesis. The rate of photosynthesis on the Venus flytrap plants tends to slow down during as well as after the closure of the trap. Although the Venus flytrap is a carnivorous plant, photosynthesis is essential for the survival of this plant. The above discussion gives an analysis of how the bio system of the Venus flytrap works. It is a plant with unique characters. It is evident that its carnivorous status acts as an adaptive feature of this plant in its boggy environment. It grows in an environment that lacks very crucial nutrients. Digestion of the insects helps the plant to extract these nutrients hence supplementing the deficiency of these nutrients in the plants. These nutrients include nitrogen and phosphorous. The plant requires these nutrients so as to survive. It is hence evident that the plant has to trap insects and feed on them so as to survive. The electrical properties of the Venus flytrap are essential in the built environment as they help in responding to stress, which might be experienced in the environment.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hospital health issues in cleaning up after katerina by industrial Case Study

Hospital health issues in cleaning up after katerina by industrial hugienist - Case Study Example The water supply of the hospital contains raw sewerage, lethal bacteria, pesticides and insecticides. Furthermore, we have to immediately deal with mosquitoes and other insects to prevent the spread of malaria, west Nile disease etc. We are also faced with a serious problem regarding infectious waste and the possibility of exposure to biological and toxic contaminants. On the other hand, our team faces a high risk of Carbon Monoxide poisoning because the premises is unable to provide its own power supply. Therefore, all operations are powered using large FEMA portable energy generators. I carried out analytical tests on air samples from different parts of the hospital. The results are very alarming as the hospital air is contaminated with high levels of lethal air borne bacteria particularly the air sample taken from the hospital diagnostic laboratory and the operation theatres is extensively contaminated. Lack of ventilation is the major reason why air contamination has exaggerated over the last six weeks. In addition, most areas of the hospital are covered with mold therefore mold exposure is a serious issue as well. Furthermore, we need a fresh supply of vaccinations so all our workers can be immunized against disease which prevail after Katrina. (Richardson et al 2008; Nims 1999). Recommendations and Guidance: Spread of water borne diseases such as cholera needs to be controlled immediately. Clean drinking water is a basic necessity. Therefore, I strongly recommend that water for drinking and washing purposes should be boiled to kill lethal water borne pathogens. On the other hand, combination of chemical methods can also be employed to effectively remove harmful pathogens which cause diseases such as dysentery and cholera. I recommend the use of Personal Protective Equipment in order to minimize the incidence of problems associated with Carbon monoxide poisoning and exposure to air borne pathogens. However, improper use of PPE imposes serious health hazard s therefore I have planned to counsel members of our team who are not familiar with proper PPE usage. I recommend that all clean up recovery workers should use respiratory protective equipments and protective goggles while working in or near the vicinity of diagnostic lab, operation theatre and the pharmacy. It is mandatory for everyone involved in the clean up process to wear gloves (Nims 1999). I recommend that hospital cafeteria/kitchen on the first floor should be subjected to cleaning process immediately in order to prevent workers from eating in contaminated areas. Moreover, we will only be able to run one refrigerator on energy provided by the FEMA generators. Therefore, it is advisable to cook small portions of food in order to limit the use of the refrigerator. To increase ventilation I recommend the installation of portable units of Local Exhaust Ventilation systems, which would prove tremendously beneficial for long term management of air borne pathogens. (American Hospit al Association.1979). In addition, long term recovery efforts should involve the use of portable air cleaning devices which would significantly reduce the incidence of air borne diseases once the hospital service is re established. Hospitals floors should be disinfected by using combinations of disinfectants and in order to effectively eliminate molds it is necessary to dry all indoor areas. I

Dionaea Muscipula As A Carnivorous Plant Research Paper

Dionaea Muscipula As A Carnivorous Plant - Research Paper Example This gives the plant a small boost of nutrients hence promoting growth. Like any other plant that exists, the Venus flytrap also performs photosynthesis. The Venus flytrap’s leaves perform photosynthesis. The plants make use of the sunlight’s energy in creating sugar for fueling the plant. The broad leaves that are just below the traps act as the solar collectors. There is a very close relationship that is in existence between the plants’ activities of insect trapping and the plant’s rate of photosynthesis. The rate of photosynthesis on the Venus flytrap plants tends to slow down during as well as after the closure of the trap. Although the Venus flytrap is a carnivorous plant, photosynthesis is essential for the survival of this plant. The above discussion gives an analysis of how the bio system of the Venus flytrap works. It is a plant with unique characters. It is evident that its carnivorous status acts as an adaptive feature of this plant in its boggy environment. It grows in an environment that lacks very crucial nutrients. Digestion of the insects helps the plant to extract these nutrients hence supplementing the deficiency of these nutrients in the plants. These nutrients include nitrogen and phosphorous. The plant requires these nutrients so as to survive. It is hence evident that the plant has to trap insects and feed on them so as to survive. The electrical properties of the Venus flytrap are essential in the built environment as they help in responding to stress, which might be experienced in the environment.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Pros and Cons of Globalization Essay Example for Free

Pros and Cons of Globalization Essay Former CEO of Vodafone Group, Mr. Arun Sarin, at the 2009 Global Business Forum debated that there is a profound change occurring in the world today. The world is becoming more interconnected due not only to physical infrastructure but also the intellectual and software infrastructure that is being built; moreover, the way in that trade is being done today. For him, the United States is still the most powerful country in the world; however, if the country wants to have global excellence in the future, innovation is a most. Since its earliest appearance, about three decades ago, the term globalization has been used to describe a process, a condition, a system, a force, and an age. The term signifies a social condition characterized by the existence of global economic, political, cultural, and environmental interconnections and flows that make many of the currently existing borders and boundaries irrelevant. Globalization suggests dynamism best explained by the idea of change and the transformation of present conditions. In other words, globalization is an ongoing process rather than a static condition. According to Manfred Steger, author of the book: Globalization: A Very Short Introduction, globalization refers to a multidimensional set of social processes that create, multiply, stretch, and intensify worldwide social interdependencies and exchanges while at the same time fostering in people a growing awareness of deepening connections between the local and the distant. In the other hand, globalization is a complex and contradictory phenomenon that encompasses progress and degradation, opportunity and compulsion, freedom and restrictions. These countless contradictions are points of political contestation. Advantages of Globalization * Countries around the world have made the choice of establishing trade relationships with each other in order to improve their economy. Past hostile experiences were left behind, and globalization has announced an era of international peace and security. In addition, there has been propagation of democratic ideas among countries. * Countries have resolved to test free trade with some regions. Eliminating taxes, duties, and export/import quotas has allowed consumers to buy goods and services at a lower cost. * Globalization is encouraging the use of international connectivity such as the internet. Exchanging thoughts and ideas is helping interlink people around the world. * Several companies are investing in other markets providing better employment opportunities for skilled and unskilled labor all around the world. Globalization is helping in increasing the standard of living of the developing world; and at the same time is helping to reduce poverty. * Competition among different countries is leading to international innovation and quality goods. Consumers are benefited in the process because they get quality products at a cheaper rate and from a large variety available in the market. * Mutual trade has brought an understanding of the importance of protecting the environment and natural resources. Global environmental problems are being discussed. Disadvantages of Globalization * Many people from develop nations are losing jobs since corporations are outsourcing work to developing countries due to savings in cost of labor. There is a lot of pressure in the develop world; people are always under the threat of their job being outsourced. Outsourcing has resulted in unemployment. * Any sort of economic disruption in one nation will have a domino-effect on other nations that are closely related to that country in terms of trade and commerce. * Influence of local cultures and traditions will slowly start to wear down. Western ideas will impose over other cultures. * Globalization may lead to more environmental problems. A company may want to build factories in other countries because environmental laws are not as strict as they are at home. * Income distribution within countries is becoming less equal. The rich is getting richer and the poor is getting poorer. * Transnational integration and increased mobility has simultaneously strengthened and diminished the protection of individual rights and the dignity of individuals. Globalized markets have facilitated more monitoring of social conditions but have also opened up more opportunities for economic exploitation. Example of the pros and cons of globalization The Philippines is one of the countries in Asia that has been affected by the contradictions of globalization. The country is taking part in the process since it became part of the World Trade Organization in 1995. Globalization has allowed major changes in the nation like more labor, more Filipino foreign companies, high levels of education, and high per capita income. Philippines have four regions that globalization has targeted and these four are: liberalization, mobility of capital, technology, and management of organization through private and public sectors. Nevertheless, the Philippine state has failed in organizing a socioeconomic environment that would have prepared the country for global competition. Many Filipinos believe that globalization has done nothing for their country. And this is due to the poverty that has been becoming worse each year. The Philippines is still corrupt and still faces economic and political problems, therefore, the nation and its people does not trust the process of globalization. About 60% of the population lives in poverty and poverty levels are still increasing. The institutional framework of a country, its political culture and the quality of its leadership play an important role in fostering economic development and in promoting social welfare. For some, globalization can make the Philippines a better nation if the Philippine leaders get involve in allowing for more global trading and more foreign investors to the help boost the economy. And by accomplishing those goals, the Philippines should be able to reduce poverty levels. The Future of Globalization Globalization is transforming the structure of worldwide interaction and people are changing along with it. The positives aspects of globalization are becoming more significant than the negatives ones. In the long term, the world will be transformed into a more prosperous, democratic, and peaceful environment. This may means that cultural conflict and global chaos will occur in the short term but large economic growth and democratic governance will prevail in the long term. Globalization is making the way for free trade and international business. It is also improving communication around the world. The biggest advantage is that globalization has the potential to make the world a better place to live in. Globalization cannot be stopped; however, leaders should always be on the top of its spread and outcomes. Work Cited Steger, M. B. (2004). Globalization, a very short introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, USA. Retrieved from{all}qstr=Manfred B. Steger Hill, C. (2010). International business. (8 ed., Vol. 5). New York City NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Rupert, M., Solomon, S. (2006). Globalization international political economy. Rowman Littlefield Publishers INC.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Abraham The Origin Of Islam And Christianity Religion Essay

Abraham The Origin Of Islam And Christianity Religion Essay Abrahams story is one of the complicated texts in both the Quran and the holy bible (Froese 12). Shosh (526) notes that its image is variably presented in the two contexts. While many scholars in religion have concentrated on understanding Abrahams sons: Ishmael and Isaac (Murray 298) and their roles in the origin of Muslim and Christian communities, Abraham is a very influential figure in the origin of both religions (Shosh 527). This essay gets out of the way and argues that Abraham is the sole father of the two religions. The argument will isolate Abrahams character from his sons at the specific case of sacrifice of his son to God (Genesis 22: 1-9 Q 37:105). Sons roles in his life may be mentioned; their characters in origin of the two religions are insignificant in this essay. The Quran and holy Bible give a contradictory story about this topic. Abraham had two sons: Ishmael and Isaac (Genesis 11-12 Q 2-3). The bible in Genesis presents Ishmael as son born by a slave, Hagar; while Isaac as the true son of Abraham (Murray 309). Quran presents both as biological sons of Abraham. Which of the two sons did God ask for a sacrifice from Abraham? This is a difficult question to answer at our generation. According to the bible, Isaac was the only son of Abraham (Genesis 21) who was born under the power of God; Ishmael and Isaac were both the sons of Abraham (Q 2). Quran stipulates that Ishmael, the first born of Abraham, was the sacrifice God asked from Abraham (Q 37:105) whereas on contrary, the holy bible states that Isaac, the only child of Abraham, was the sacrifice God wanted from Abraham. Which text is right to follow? Anyway it does not matter for this argument. The fact is Abraham offered to sacrifice his son to God (Fischer 173). According to Shosh (527), Abrahams character has been viewed in different perspectives. Abraham is a profound character in matters of faith and religion; he cannot be overlooked in the study of both Islam and Christianity. In the story of sacrifice of his son, Abraham appears the first and last, both in the bible and Quran, to be posed such a difficult task by God. As Murray (300) notes Abraham heeded to this call. From this story the essay will justify why Abraham is the father of Islam and Christianity. Christianity calls for absolute obedience to God. Christians should obey all the ten commandments of God. When Abraham was called by God to offer the sacrifice of his son, he did not question. He obeyed. Abraham took his son, Isaac, the following morning and headed for the place of sacrifice (Genesis 22:3). Abraham was determined to offer the sacrifice of his only son to God. He is revealed as the father of obedience which Christians must look up to. On the other hand, Quran states that Abraham offered to sacrifice Ishmael to God (OKane 500). Ishmael was his older son and indeed closer to him; in fact they preached together in Arabia while Isaac preached in Palestine and Syria. To the amazement of many Abraham admitted to the call of God to sacrifice him. This was a sign of great obedience. Muslims have a call to abide to the rules of Allah as the only God. Abraham is the beacon of obedience. Abraham was the first to believe in both body and spirit to the one God. He was against the worship of idols which was practiced by his forefathers (Q 21:60). He preached believe in one God (Q 6:76 Froese 15). Indeed, Abraham believed in God in heaven. Accepting to offer his son to God was a sign of deep believe and trust in Him. To believe in God is to accept unconditionally to His call; heed to His laws. Abraham demonstrated believe in God which is what religion is all about. Muslims are therefore called to believe strongly to Allah as the only God. As Fischer (174) argued, Gods call to Abraham to make human sacrifice was an indication to both the Christians and Muslims that He is not interested in human sacrifice. When Abraham had just laid his son, Isaac, down to slay him the angel of God appeared to him and stopped him from doing that (Fischer, 176 Genesis 22:9). This is an indication that God is not interested in human sacrifice. Throughout the Christian history human sacrifices have never been advocated for. In the Quran context it is stated that God warned Abraham not to lay the knife to his son, Ishmael. Islamic religion does not offer human sacrifices as well. In my own opinion God used Abraham to send a message to the whole nations: God does not need human sacrifice. He is a sign of anti-human sacrifice. Why did God ask for human sacrifice from Abraham when He never needed it? This is the interesting question we need to answer in analyzing this story. Fisher (176) thinks that God wanted to expose the human nature through Abraham. Fisher further argues that God expected Abraham to bring a controversial discussion in the matter. I do not agree with Fisher. God is the creator of man; He knows his personality. There was no way God could test the nature of man. In my own view God wanted to use Abraham to reveal to the world the ideal nature of those who will inherit His kingdom. In natural sense, death especially for ones child is not as light as Abraham took it. God had inspired him first before putting him into this test. And because Abraham would be celebrated as the father of religion all over the world God made him act the way he did. In this story God wanted to clarify that religion is not contradicting. As Fisher (176) notes, God did not want to contradict himself by allowing Abraham to slaughter a son whom He had asked from Him for more than ninety years (Genesis 22). Christianity today should learn from the father, Abraham that God laws are clear and do not change. It should be clear that God remained faithful to Abraham. If God allowed Abraham to slaughter his son it would be a contradiction of a promise that Abraham would become the father of all nations. On the other hand, God would not let Ishmael be slaughtered as a sacrifice; Ishmael had been assisting Abraham in preaching in Arabia. In this argument therefore Abraham laid the foundation of religion; no contradiction. What could have happened if Abraham objected to the call of God? The religion today would not have the same meaning. God would have expelled Abraham out of His kingdom. This what the religion today holds: excommunication to the victims of r eligious contradiction. God appeared to Abraham when he had almost slaughtered his son (Genesis 22). In Qurans view Abraham had fulfilled the vision and kept His word. God wanted to use this chance to tell the Islamic religion that there is a vision in this life. Adhering to the word of Allah is the only thing to bring the vision into realization; this would be at the end of time. In Biblical view, God provided an alternative to Abraham to offer sacrifice, a lamb. This has a meaning for the Christian community: God is the solution to all the problems. It is in the same context that God sent Jesus Christ to save the world. Vision and hope are the basis of these religions. CONCLUSION The story of sacrifice by Abraham has been differently interpreted by the two texts as earlier mentioned. In both Islam and Christianity; however, Abraham plays one role-The father of religion. He represents an ideal of holy mosque and church. His character has been put in the religious history to define the way for religion. By demonstrating strong believe and faith in God, Abraham revealed to the world that there is one supreme God who should be worshipped and obeyed. Islam emphasizes on one God who should be worshipped: Only Allah Should be worshipped. Where did they derive this from? The immediate answer is Abraham. Christians believe in one God who is the father and almighty. They are indeed descendants of Abraham. Abraham is therefore the father of Islam and Christianity.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Much Ado About Nothing Essay: The Importance of Word Choice :: Much Ado About Nothing Essays

Much Ado About Nothing:   The Importance of Word Choice  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      The choice of words used by the characters in Act 5, Scene 1, of the play, Much Ado About Nothing, clearly presents the characters emotions and constructs their characters for the audience. In contrast to his confrontation with Claudio and Don Pedro earlier in the scene, where he is reduced to begging them to hear him out ('My lord, my lord!'; Act 5, Scene 1; l. 106 ), Leonato's speeches are marked with a stateliness and self-assurance, as he has been fortified with the knowledge that his righteous indignation is justified. He is stern and dominates the scene, barking orders 'Which is the villain?' (l. 260), 'Bring you these fellows on.' (l. 333), and using the conversation to entrap, as Claudio and Don Pedro did to him during the aborted wedding: Art thou the slave that with thy breath hast killed mine innocent child?. No, not so, villain! Thou beliest thyself. Here stand a pair of honourable men; A third is fled, that had a hand in it. I thank you, princes, for my daughter's death. His true purpose is manifested to the audience in the way he addresses the prince and Claudio: this time he doesn't bluntly insult them, but uses more subtle language - 'Record [Hero's death] with your high and worthy deeds. 'Twas bravely done, if you bethink you of it.'(l. 270-271) - because he intends to perform one last deception, to get Claudio to marry Hero, so his strategy must be to play on their guilt, not to antagonize them: '.since you could not be my son-in-law, Be yet my nephew. And so dies my revenge' (l. 288-289, 293). He seems to see himself as the rightful patriarch, restoring order - '.This naughty man Shall face to face be brought to Margaret, Who I believe was packed in all this wrong, Hired to it by your brother.' (l. 298-301) - and his speeches have an air of stateliness and dignity (all are in verse), as well as an air of busyness, exemplified in the orders he gives, lines 280-294: Possess the people in Messina here How innocent she died; and if your love Can labor aught in sad invention, Hang her an epitaph upon her tomb, And sing it to her bones, sing it tonight. Tomorrow morning come you to my house. The emotion of earlier in the scene seems to have been spent - this meeting can be seen as Leonato's personal revenge, restoring his authority and reputation: his fatherly concern about Hero's reputation is no longer necessary, her name is merely an instrument to shame the princes.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Love Scene between George and Maire from Translations Essay

The Love Scene between George and Maire from Translations This scene, in my opinion is the dramatic centre of Translations. The scene displays that George and Maire have fallen in love as they return from the dance together; the pair find it hard to communicate, and exhaust every method of communication before reciting place names to one another. The common language of the place names increases the tension between George and Maire until, finally, they kiss. The kiss is witnessed by Sarah who uses her new found talent of speech to tell Manus. The scene, in my view is very important as it is the catalyst for the disastrous events which follow, it leads to the disappearance of George, the search of Baile Baeg by new English soldiers, Maire’s despair, and the imminent ‘evictions and leveling of every abode’. The stage directions play a prominent part in the scene, they specify darkness and music being played, the music is significant as it is a common form of communication, everybody can relate to it. The ‘music rises to a crescendo’ as Maire and Yolland enter on stage and the audience are involved in the excitement and merriment of the pair. The music also crescendos later after Sarah has seen them which emphasizes the significance of what has just happened. The stage directions also describe their actions towards one another, the gestures and the pause before the kiss; all which would add a lot of drama and pace to the scene. Act 2 Scene 1, which is just before the love scene, is very different. Maire and George at this point are still very shy and use Owen to translate everything between them: Maire: Tell him then Owen: Tell him what? Maire: About the dance. Maire is essentially inviting Ge... ...hows that she has gone to tell him about George and Maire, bring the scene to a climax. It is also poignant that after Sarah has been given the gift of speech, she is now about to use it to tell her teacher and change everything in Baile Baeg, possibly costing George’s life. As the scene acts as a microcosm of the play’s messages, Friel displays the themes of translation, cultural differences and conflict of interests all in one scene. As a result, I think that this is a very important, if not the most important scene of the entire play, as the scenes before all build up to this moment, and the later events preceding it are all results of George and Maire’s union. Brian Friel has also managed to keep the audience interested by using tension, pace, irony and suspense; and successfully brings the end of the act to a climax, keeping the audience engaged.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Literary Theory and Criticism: Investigating Literature and Literary Study

Literary theory, literary criticism Methods of studying literature are defined and described. A section on definitions and distinctions investigates literature and literary study; literary theory and literary criticism. First of all it is necessary for us to know the definition of literary theory, and literary criticism. Nevertheless, the distinctions between literary theory, criticism, and history are the most important Literary theory is the study of the principles of literature, its categories, criteria, and the like. The theory of literature investigates the general laws of the structure and development of literature.The history of literature studies the literary past as a process or one of the stages of this process. On the other side, literary criticism is the study, evaluation, and interpretation of literature. Modern literary criticism is often informed by literary theory, which is the philosophical discussion of its methods and goals. It is also concerned with the most recen t, the â€Å"present† state of literature. Literary criticism is always interested in evaluating a literary work. But even though, these two are closely related, literary critics haven’t always been theorists.Some critics consider literary criticism a practical application of literary theory, because criticism always deals directly with particular literary works, while theory may be more general or abstract. Even though literary theory and literary criticism may be defined distinctly, they are not completely separated. It seems best to draw attention to these distinctions by describing as â€Å"literary theory† the study of the principles of literature, its categories, criteria, and the like, and by differentiating studies of concrete works of art as either â€Å"literary criticism† (primarily static in approach) or â€Å"literary history†.Of course, â€Å"literary criticism† is frequently used in such a way as to include all literary theory ; but such usage ignores a useful distinction. Literary works which have been evaluated as important can than be used to draw general conclusions on a genre. This is the case with Aristotle’s Poetics. The close relation between literary theory and criticism and the other humanities was formerly reflected in the concept of philology as a synthesizing branch of learning, studying culture in all its written manifestations, including literary works.In the mid-20th century the concept of philology suggests the affinity between literary theory and criticism and linguistics; in the strict sense philology denotes textual criticism. Even after these obvious differences, complete separation is impossible, it is inconceivable to have literary theory without criticism or history, or criticism without theory and history, or history without theory and criticism. It’s all connected. Aida Belovodjanin

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Wys in Which Steinbeck Presents Conflict in George’s Relationship with Lennie

‘Of Mice and Men’ is written by John Steinbeck, published in 1937. The novel is set in the 1930s during the great depression in California. The two protagonist characters, George and Lennie are farm workers who have a dream of one-day owning their own ranch. They find work in a ranch near Soledad which means loneliness in Spanish, after escaping from Weed because of George’s incident. They are met by different characters on the farm that all have a dream. In this story, the characters are lonely because although they are all together they all feel very much on their own. George and Lennie do not see themselves as lonely as the other characters because they have each other and a dream to go away one day together. In the novel there are two main characters, Lennie and George who are friends. ‘They had walked in single file down the path and even in the open one stayed behind the other. Both were dressed in denim trousers and in denim coats with brass buttons. Both wore black, shapeless hats and both carried tight blanket rolls slung over their shoulders. From the first sight of Lennie and George, a dynamic in their relationship is established. Though the men are outwardly of the same class (wearing identical clothes and carrying identical gear), one still walks behind the other. George is, of course, the leader, but it seems he doesn’t value himself as necessarily superior to Lennie; they’re both in it together. Lennie is a simple chap who has the mind of a child; George feels a need to look after Lennie and so takes on the role of a protective parent. While this thing going on George often gets frustrated with him because he has to look after him all the time and he doesn’t have time for himself. On this George says: ‘Whatever we ain’t got, that’s what you want. God a ‘mighty, if I was alone I could live so easy. I could go get a job an’ work, and no trouble. No mess at all, and when the end of the month I could take my fifty bucks and go into town and get whatever I want. ’ Steinbeck goes to great length to create very different personas for the two men even making the two different physically. In the later part of the text George says ‘If I was your relative I’d shoot myself. ’ This shows that George doesn’t really care for Lennie and he just wants an easy life as a migrant worker. At this time, The Great Depression, workers had to keep a job to keep them alive, so it was important to get the destination. Lennie at this time is being frustratingly slow therefore George is getting angry. The word ‘relative’ in this context means that George doesn’t want the responsibility of Lennie because he can live a lot easier without the burden. However as they only had each other George was reluctant to leave Lennie and travel alone, even though there were frequent conflicts between them. The context of the novel fits well with the scene when George is shouting at Lennie, after losing another job. Lennie has just been fired because he was accused of sexually assaulting women, when actually he didn’t. George knows this and stuck up for Lennie, resulting in Lennie being fired too. ‘I got you! You can’t keep a job and you lose me every job I get’. Here George loses his temper with Lennie, because once again they have been fired from their jobs, it causes conflict between the two. ‘I got you! ’ is a cruel and unnecessary thing to say, here George is insulting that his whole problem in life and the main reason for this upset is of the fact that he is having to put up with Lennie, it shows how much conflict and hurt was caused was caused in the 1930s, because the lack of money and food, all added up pressure, and resulted in mean outbursts like this. George seems to be of two minds when it comes to Lennie. He complains constantly that if he did not have Lennie he would be done with a huge responsibility. He could go to town, drink when he wanted, have a girlfriend, shoot pool, and in general have a life. Tired of constantly reminding Lennie things he should remember, George gets quickly angry when Lennie forgets to get the firewood, for example and instead goes after the dead mouse. On the other hand George’s anger is quickly under control and he blames himself for scolding Lennie. Steinbeck makes it clear that, despite his complaining and frustration, George looks out for Lennie and genuinely cares for him. The fact that George has repeated his instructions many times, the fact that he scolds Lennine for doing things (like petting the dead mouse or drinking the untested water) that could hurt him, and most importantly, the fact that George retails the story of their shared dream indicate the close relationship the two men have. In fact, George acts as a parent towards Lennie. He treats Lennie as one would treat a child, he laughs a great deal at Lennie’s words, and because he knows how much Lennie likes soft things, he promises to try to get Lennie a puppy and let him take care for the rabbits when they finally get their own ranch. LENNIE ‘I was only foolin’, George. I don’t want no ketchup. I wouldn’t eat no ketchup if it were right here beside me. ’ GEORGE ‘ If it was here, you could have some’ LENNIE ‘But I wouldn’t eat none, George. I’d leave it all for you. You could cover you beans with it and I wouldn’t touch none of it. ’ After George’s mean outburst about how much better off he’d be without Lennie, Lennie is the one who makes the first move to apologize for being a jerk. Even after this awful fight, the men’s friendship has a simple and remarkable erectness. George grudgingly knows he’s wrong and in fact he really loves his friend, and even though Lennie can’t express it in a terribly complex way, he loves George back.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

American novel Essay

Inspiration is something that some people have difficulty finding, whether to write the great American novel or simply to get out of bed in the morning. Creative inspiration is much more delicate a subject, as when one does not feel the desire to create, the product most often suffers greatly. However, for me, creative inspiration comes from almost everywhere I look, as long as I manage to see beauty before me, and luckily, the world is a beautiful place. Beauty is truly everywhere; it can be in a sunset, a work of art, or in a masterpiece of architecture. There is manmade beauty and natural beauty, and both have unique appeals that inspire to humans in many different ways, including creatively. Along with the millions of writers, painters, and poets that came before me, I find creative inspiration in noticing the beauty of things, no matter how common or rare. I can also find beauty amidst things that are ugly, if anything gaining an increased appreciation for the beautiful moments of peace and lightness. No matter how much I suffer or observe suffering, it is easy for me to remember that life is indeed beautiful, and this often inspires me to continue creating beauty of my own. Human physical beauty is also something that inspires me creatively. It is impossible to deny that certain men and women are not beautiful, for a perfect face and body attracts many people from all around; however like the old adage that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, everyone else may not universally agree upon the external and physical beauty of these people. Some people make think blonds are beautiful, while others prefer brunettes; some people may like blue eyes, while others only find brown beautiful. This shows the subjective nature of beauty, which begs the question as to whether this beauty is significant at all or merely a matter of taste. However, like the beauty of Helen of Troy, legendary and often referenced in all arts, beautiful people inspire me to create. But, while physical beauty can inspire me to create, it is most often the beauty I find within people and myself that most inspires me. I believe the greatest and most inspiration beauty in life comes from within; and this kind of beauty can be achieved by everyone without pills, painful operations, or costly beauty treatments. I have learned not to put too much stock in the media’s representation of beauty, because I feel it robs from the more significant beauty that can be achieved in society when people think of each other and treat each other with equal respect and consideration. I do my best to live by the golden rule, and find situations the most beautiful when others do the same. I feel that many of the popular conceptions of beauty are based on half-truths and blatant deceptions, encouraging people to hide their flaws rather than love themselves. For me, honesty is beautiful and inspirational, and I try always to be honest, and subsequently inspired. Life is beautiful enough without having to worry about perfecting physical attributes, and the truth is that aesthetic beauty is not nearly as lasting or inspirational as emotional, spiritual, and mental beauty. These are the kinds of beauty to which I aspire and have successfully managed to cultivate in my efforts to harness creative inspiration. While beauty may truly be in the eye of the beholder, I feel confident in my own beauty because I treat everything in life as it is: beautiful. From this view, it is easy for me to find creative inspiration in just about everything I see, hear, and feel. I find joy and inspiration in everything, and I try to make everyone share in the beauty that I possess and inspiration I find, hoping that they can also create his or her own. I try to be truthful in all regards, and try never to feel insecure that my beliefs in my own beauty are false. I refuse to adopt the media’s perception of beauty, and prefer to find my own conceptions in what I see is true beauty: generosity, compassion, and joy. All I have to do is sit back for a moment, reflect on the wonders of existence, and I will inevitably be convinced of the beauty of life, and subsequently inspired to create some of my own. For me, this is the truth, and like the words of John Keats, â€Å"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all/ Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know† (Keats, 1901). For me, beauty is truth, and truth is inspiring. REFERENCES Keats, J. (1901/1999). Ode to a Grecian Urn. The Oxford Book of English Verse. Ed. Quiller- Couch, Arthur Thomas, Sir. Bartleby. com. 31 Jul 2008. .

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Relationship between Workload and Effectiveness in the Nursing Research Paper

Relationship between Workload and Effectiveness in the Nursing Practice - Research Paper Example Unfortunately, though, there often arise factors such imbalanced nurse-patient ratio, lack of motivation, ill-resourced facilities and absence of on-the-job training that prevent nurses from working as effectively as they are expected to. It is against this background that the present project is being carried out to ascertain how a properly planned nurse-to-patient ratio can help in improving the service delivery given by nurses to patients. Some emphasis will be given to nurse-to-patient ratio through the other factors mentioned shall be considered. At the end of the project, it is expected that there will be a clear outline of new responsibilities expected of nurses even as their duties will be adjusted. There will also be a major recommendation to cut down the couple-per-nurse from four mothers and four babies to three mothers and three babies per nurse. The work of the nurse is undoubtedly one of the most stressful professions. This is because it entails working with different people with different needs and attitudes. Regardless of the health needs of the patient and the patient’s personal attitude, the nurse is expected to fit in squarely without fail. This indeed is a very challenging situation for any nurse at all. In light of this, researchers have come to study the relationship between the workload of a nurse and effectiveness at the workplace. According to a recent study, nurses work best if the workload they have to handle per day (8 hours) is minimal enough to attract full attention. This means that overcrowding of patient population would automatically stress the nurse up and affect her effectiveness at work. Such nurses may either resort to falling on inexperienced nursing assistance or abandoning certain core aspects of their work.  

Monday, October 7, 2019

Assignment 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Assignment 3 - Essay Example Great job satisfaction is something that most teachers do not experience especially those that lack formal responsibility. Based on the study the reason for this is because majority of the teachers do not embrace or engage themselves in some leadership training. Professional development activities that relate to leadership training help to train and equip all teachers with the required leadership capacity skills (Wiles & Bondi, 2004). Based on the study it is quite clear that any good and quality teacher leadership should be supported with collaborative school culture. There should be independent, adversarial or isolated relationship among teachers and also among the principals based on a traditional school setting. It is well noted that all school leaders should be aware of the fact that even though most adult relationships end up being thought of as social and superfluous such relationships may end up having influence on each aspect of the school. It is only when all adults tend to practice collaboration that the culture of that school can be a favourable condition for teacher leadership (Wiles & Bondi, 2004). With regards to the case study the principal is the only qualified person that can be able to facilitate the development of teachers with emphasis on their leadership skills. It is only when the principals in charge are well committed in ensuring that the aspect of collaborative culture is present that majority of the teachers will be able to give great contribution based on the set conditions. It is noted based on the research of the case study that majority of the teachers have been through professional situations that have focused on the legitimate power of principalship that has been regarded as intimidating. Principals that want the teachers under their guidance to be leaders must embrace the first step of ensuring that all the teachers are incorporated under

Sunday, October 6, 2019

You can write one that fits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

You can write one that fits - Essay Example It was not unlike a world turned upside down. As the scramble for the new truth set in, the new philosophy was introduced. For thinkers and those who introduced new ideas, it was a necessary change and a tool. For ordinary people who came to be acquainted with it and eventually accepted the new theoretical paradigm, it was a way of coping with the changes around them. This paper explores this new philosophy development and determines its causes and impact, especially its inevitable link with new science. There is an interesting school of thought that figures prominently in the manner by which new philosophy was accepted. The position is that philosophy is critical in validating science. Therefore, these two variables are within a symbiotic relationship wherein one is crucial in the acceptance of the other. Earlier, this was the case with Aristotle’s physics and natural science. They became legitimate when it was backed by Aristotelian philosophy. Several years later, this would be cemented further when Thomas Aquinas reconciled his thoughts with Catholic theology, effectively making Aristotelian science the foundation of European philosophical and intellectual worldview. The position is that new philosophy also functioned the same way. It became inextricably linked with new science. The new philosophy was called for in order for people to accept new science as the new truth or to establish it as valid as opposed to the classical authorities. This is perhaps the case because any pursuit of truth requires a degree of rhetorics and persuasion in order for it to be recognized. There is a great deal of perception involved here wherein the truths cannot merely exist objectively. There was a philosophical statement about whether a tree makes any noise when it falls in the forest when no one could hear it. There is noise, true. But

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Research Method Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Research Method - Dissertation Example How strong can this sense of community be? 4. What kinds of cultural identity have been formed in this virtual community? Research Method Ethnographic interview.Analysis of the interviews occurred in four stages. In the first stage, the transcripts are analyzed for concepts and themes. The comments and themes are in the transcript margins. This is the first stage. In the second stage, there was an analysis of expert files, which refers to pertinent experts which are from each interview related to each theme, and this refined the themes. These expert files, which are thematically related, were refined further. The theoretical framework of the study is linked to the thee in the fourth stage In the interviews, the interviewee explains his or her version of reality, while constructing this reality. In this way, the interviews are a kind of â€Å"interpersonal drama.† The researcher must stand back, and not direct the interview, because to insert oneself into the interview would in sert the researcher’s agenda into the issue, and the researcher might interpret the themes accordingly. There are alternate interpretations of the interview responses, and the interview should proceed in a manner which encourages this. Because respondents should answer in a way that develops his or her own perspective, the interviews should be unstructured. Nonetheless, the interviews are semi-structured, because this study has an exploratory nature. To develop the research interests of the study, open-ended questions were asked. These open-ended questions were not a strict questionnaire, however. Rather, they were simply used to tease out the key topics, and served as a reminder not to miss these topics. In the beginning of the interviews, the interviewees were given a general idea of what the focus would be. That said, the interviewees were encouraged to direct the conversation’s flow, and I would intervene only when I wanted to more about the issue. The only other t ime that I intervened was when the topic of conversation had gotten too far off of the focus of the interview. The questions were open-ended as much as possible. As the interview reached its’ close, I double-checked the question list to make sure that there was nothing important missing from the interview, and, if this was the case, I probed the interviewee further. Throughout my data collection period, I constantly added new questions to incorporate issues brought up in previous interviews. Recruitment of respondents.Ten people were recruited from the users of internet. I did not attempt to cover all ethnic groups, whichis beyond the scope of the project. Instead, I chose a particular group of people as the target of my study. To achieve the best results, they met the following two requirements: 1. They still maintain their distinctive cultural identities as ethnic people, surrounded in the sea of host countries’ mainstream culture. 2. They are not much affected by th e traditional community ethnic media, yet they are actively using the new media. That way, the influence of the computer media can be best measured. Specifically, Each participant recruited were an expert practitioner of his/her mass mediated world, knowledgeable in the most detailed and intimate ways of how it shapes their identities, which provides entry points to their complex culture condition of living on ‘borderlands’ and to their ongoing process of identity negotiation.

Friday, October 4, 2019

The purpose of life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The purpose of life - Essay Example Everyone has a purpose, everything has a purpose, and every day has a purpose. I live in my realm and accomplish everything for the purpose of tasting more about the essence of this life. I am a type of want-to-do-something-for-this-life, so I always eager for grasping as much experience as I could to be full-fledged so as to contribute to the society. I hold the youth on my hand feeling like a millionaire who is moving up the ladder of fame. Rich, but solitary, trust no one, and expect for nothing, because anyone does not supply everything I want to buy. Maybe I am asking too much, but honestly, I just want people to know that I am living and not just existing. I am a lonely voice trying to fit in this chaotic world, like a thorn bird searching for a thorn tree to rise above its agony to out carol the lark and the nightingale. I often wonder why our age is said to be the generation that is quiet. I see people of orange-blue rainbow and polka dotted. Expressions of different trails traveled and stories of failure and triumph, so what is silent about us? Have we not kept our youthful curiosity and stumbled upon treasures undiscovered? And shouted from the mountain tops what we have found? Is it that we are silent or is it that someone is just not listening? If people could not understand and encourage, please do not discourage or leave anyone behind. We are the ones who will rule the world in the future. At this moment, we could not go back to be children anymore, yet we are not grown up enough to be adults. We are trying to burst the bubble, to come out of our shells, and to accomplish more than what people out there did a long time ago. But how can we reach such goals if the surrounding people always feel suspicious of our start? How can we climb to the peak of the mountain if parents always shout at us f rom the mountain bases? And what if the cure for cancer is in the brain of someone who is not encouraged to follow his/her dream? Give us a

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Media Reaction Essay Example for Free

Media Reaction Essay Introduction The media reaction to immigration problem in the United States is as diverse as the cultures and people it impacts. While there does exist some common public and political views there is also factual information which could alter those positions. The media piece, discussed here, found on the website: Los Angeles Times Politics.. This paper will use the media format to address the questions on the media reaction toward immigration. What is the historical framework on this issue? On March 26, 2009, Sen. Richard Durbin introduced the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Acts of 2009, known as the DREAM Act. What is the political content of this issue? The DREAM Act is a bill that was reintroduced within the U. S. in 2011. According to Wikipedia (2013), â€Å"The DREAM Act is the latest issue in Immigration Reform. The DREAM Act is the Development Relief and Education for Alien Minor Act changed the lives of illegal immigrants. The DREAM Act extended price cuts for in-state college tuition and speeded up the citizenship process. † Conditional Permanent Residency allowed an individual to work, drive, and travel aboard for long periods, up to 365 days in total for six years. What message does the media piece attempt to portray? Per the article, the Republicans were against the DREAM Act wanting to deport the immigrants back to where they came from. What message does the media piece attempt to convey? Was the media coverage biased or unbiased? Was the issue sensationalized or portrayed objectively? How might the media coverage effect the public perception of the issue? Does encourage or discourage prejudice, discrimination or stereotyping? The article attempts to provide perspective which addressed both the concerns and different views of the DREAM Act immigration issue in the United State. The coverage present here was bias and portrayed objectively. Carol P. Harvey, â€Å"The exploration of the immigration policy and reform is a volatile and complicated issue socially, politically, and legally. â€Å"This media presentation reinforced that with it media representation of the â€Å"DREAM Act,† proposed by the Democratic Congress and opposed by their Republican counterpart. † â€Å"It further present arguments that Obama’s program, done by executive action, does not give such immigrants legal status but it at least protects them from deportation from two years. Amendment sponsor Steve King, is a strident opponent of relaxing U. S. immigration law. He said any changes to U. S. policy should be enacted by Congress, not orchestrated by the present. † (Mascaro, 2013). If you were a manager affected by this issue and its media coverage, what inclusion strategies from this week’s reading might you implement to moderate the media’s effect on your employees and to promote inclusion in the workplace? As a manager I would include all workers in the workplace. If the worker is undocumented or not, while in the work environment by law all workers are to be treated equally and fairly. The globalization of the work place, and the diversity it brings has all employees thinking of themselves as more than just an American, as such I cannot and should not take any action or allow any which maybe discriminatory or prejudicial in nature. I would uphold all the laws and policies of the company and until told otherwise, I would treat all employees on the presumption that I or the company did not â€Å"knowingly† higher an undocumented worker.

Autonomous Vehicle Parking Using Finite State Automata Information Technology Essay

Autonomous Vehicle Parking Using Finite State Automata Information Technology Essay Our project is based on the autonomous parking using finite state automata. The invention of the autonomous parking system in which the elevator, lifter and computer are connected in group such that each unit swap information as it require and then the system calculating processes of loading and unloading a car, issuing the parking ticket and then identifying the parking ticket. The parking system include a elevator , lifter, computer, database for storing vehicle number data and information data which only display that how many car are parking in different floors and then elevator load car , park in vacant floor and unloaded the car one by one and. The process of elevator is to pick and lift the car from ground to parking area and then back to it owns position. The present invention narrates to a system of controlling a autonomous parking system and calculating a parking fee and more principally to a parking control system to which a computer, a control unit, a parking ticket issuer, and a parking ticket recognizer are connected through a network for allowing any required information to be used among them. Description of the Prior Art Generally in a conventional autonomous parking system, a car is moved to a respective floor along hoist way with use of a lift, and then parked in respective parking space with use of pallets. In that system, a fee calculator and a parking ticket issuer are separately operated such that each operation of a parking machine, a parking ticket issuer, and the fee calculator is performed separately. History The parking of vehicles in the employment center of larger cities of the world has increasingly become a major problem. Not only is there insufficient available land for surface parking but the high cost of the land makes such a use economically infeasible. In addition, the aggregation of a large amount of vehicles causes traffic, environmental, aesthetic, and pollution problems. The solution to locate parking facilities in more remote areas where land cost are lower is also not feasible because of inconvenient distances to areas of employment and potential safety and security problem To construct large underground parking facility in these congested center city areas also create major problem because of the high cost of the instruction the multitude of underground utility encountered and the inevitable distribution to existing services during the construction period This complex situation indicates that the use of small low volume underground parking facility with the capability of the fitting within the existing infra structure would be highly desirable. Not only would be they be able to be located conveniently to the drivers destination but they also have potential to maintain the surface above the parking facility in a park Other generators that demand more convenient, close or adjacent parking solution include office buildings, apartments, hotels and institutions where surface parking would not meet the requirements by reason of restricted land area, high land costs, inconvenient access, security, and environmental factors. In response to these needs for alternative and convenient parking, the engineering group endeavored to engineer a solution. They had previously solved couples design challenges in the construction industry by utilizing an approach that included standardization and variety reduction in order to reduce construction costs and time and to provide greater consumer benefit. Their solution was autonomous parking system, a modular automated parking system that could be installed below or above ground, alone or in repeat modules. This approach provided the advantages of minimizing inconvenience, expediting construction time, and lowering construction cost. Its compact area permitted it to be built in center city areas, while avoiding the problems of interference with dense underground utilities and major disruptions to these services. INTRODUCTION Autonomous parking is an autonomous car planning from a line of traffic into a parking place to perform parallel parking. The autonomous parking intends to develop the ease and safety of driving in controlled situations where much attention and knowledge is required to steer the vehicle. The parking scheme is achieved by means of synchronized control of the steering angle and speed which takes into account the actual circumstance in the environment to make sure collision-free motion within the available space. OR The automated vehicle parking system for a parking facility that be in handle with a vehicle approaching or leaving the facility with RF signals, or the like, that identify the vehicle and sends the vehicle identification number, time of day, and lane number to a central computer for calculating the parking cost based on rates for each individual vehicle stored in the computer. [7] EVOLUTIONARY FUNCTIONAL TEST OF THE AUTONOMOUS PARKING SYSTEM THE AUTONOMOUS PARKING SYSTEM As an automobile manufacturer, DaimlerChrysler is continuously developing new systems in order to improve vehicle safety, quality, and comfort. Within this context, prototypical vehicle systems are developed, which support autonomous vehicle parking a function that might be introduced to the market in some years time. The autonomous parking systems regarded in this paper are intended to automate parking lengthways into a parking space, like shown in Fig.1. For this purpose, the vehicle is equipped with environmental sensors, which register objects surrounding the vehicle. On passing along, the system can recognize sufficiently large parking spaces and can signal to the driver that a parking space has been found. If the driver decides to park in the vehicle can do this automatically. Fig 1: Functionality of Autonomous Parking System [1] In Fig.2 the system environment for the autonomous parking system is shown. The inputs are sensor data, which contain information on the state of the vehicle, e.g. vehicle speed or steering position, and information from the environmental sensors, which register objects on the left and right hand side of the vehicle. For output the system possesses an interface to the vehicle actors, where the vehicles velocity and steering angle will be set. The internal structure of the autonomous parking Fig 2: System Environment- [2] The parking space detection processes the data from the environmental sensor systems and delivers the recognized geometry of a parking space if it has been detected to be sufficiently large. The parking controller component uses the geometry data of the parking space together with the data from the vehicle sensors to steer the vehicle through the parking procedure. For this purpose, velocity and steering angle are set for the vehicle actors. Fig 3: Subcomponents of Autonomous Parking System [3] Some proposals for solving of parking problems A good decision is to be built automated parking systems for cars preferably served by stacker cranes (see fig 4), that are the basic element of the automated warehouse structures. Fig 4: [4] Brief Description about FINITE STATE AUTOMATA Finite-State Automata A finite-state transducer whose output components are ignored is called a finite-state automaton. Formally, a  finite-state  automaton  M is a tuple , where Q,  , q0, and F are defined as for finite-state transducers, and the transition table  Ã‚  is a relation from Q ÃÆ'- (  Ã‚  {}) to Q. Kinds of Finite State Automata 1. DFA 2. NFA What is NFA? In the theory of computation, nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA)  is a  finite state machine  where for each pair of state and input symbol there may be several possible next states. This distinguishes it from the  deterministic finite automaton  (DFA), where the next possible state is uniquely determined. Although the DFA and NFA have distinct definitions, it may be shown in the formal theory that they are equivalent, in that, for any given NFA, one may construct an equivalent DFA, and vice-versa: this is the  power set construction. Both types of automata recognize only  regular languages. Non-deterministic finite state machines are sometimes studied by the name  sub shifts of finite type. Non-deterministic finite state machines are generalized by  probabilistic automata, which assign a probability to each state transition. Formal Definition Two similar types of NFAs are commonly defined: the NFA and the  NFA with ÃŽÂ µ-moves. The ordinary NFA is defined as a  5-tuple, (Q, ÃŽÂ £,  T,  q0, F), consisting of a finite  set  of states  Q a finite set of  input symbols  ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ £ a transition  function  T  :  Q  ÃƒÆ'- ÃŽÂ £ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã‚  P(Q). an  initial  (or  start) state  q0  Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‹â€ Ã‚  Q a set of states  F  distinguished as  accepting  (or  final)  states  F  Ãƒ ¢Ã…  Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  Q. What is DFA? In the  theory of computation, a  deterministic finite state machine-also known as  deterministic finite state automaton  (DFSA) is a  finite state machine  where for each pair of state and input symbol there is one and only one transition to a next state, as opposed to a  nondeterministic finite-state machine, which has the possibility of multiple transitions . DFAs recognize the set of  regular languages  and no other languages. A DFA will take in a string of input symbols. For each input symbol it will then transition to a state given by following a transition function. When the last input symbol has been received it will either accept or reject the string depending on whether the DFA is in an accepting state or a non-accepting state. Formal Definition A DFA is a 5-tuple, (Q, ÃŽÂ £, ÃŽÂ ´,  q0,  F), consisting of a finite set of  states  (Q) a finite set of input symbols called the  alphabet  (ÃŽÂ £) a transition  function  (ÃŽÂ ´Ã‚  :  Q  ÃƒÆ'- ÃŽÂ £ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã‚  Q) a  start state  (q0  Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‹â€ Ã‚  Q) a set of  accept states  (F  Ãƒ ¢Ã…  Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  Q) Finite State Machine of Autonomous Vehicle parking Language (L) = {pick car, first floor, second floor, third floor, go to, back, ground, elevator} Third Floor Second Floor First Floor Elevator Ground stand Back into position goto Pick Car back goto goto goto Back back goto goto Fig 5 Finite State Machine of Autonomous Vehicle parking NFA to DFA Finite State Machine of Autonomous Vehicle parking Let assigned digit code to each statement in above machine. e d c b a 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 Tabular Form S x I 0 1 a A B b A cde c A D d C E e D error cde Acd de acd Ac bde de Cd E ac A bd bde Acd cde cd Ac de bd Ac cde b a cde cd de ac bde DFA Machine 0 0 1 0 1 0 acd 1 1 1 0 0 0 bd 1 0 1 1 0 0 Q={a,b,c,d,e} q0={a} qf={a,c,d,e} Language= {0,1} S=Q X I S= (a, 0) = a S= (a, 1) = b S= (b, 0) = a S= (b, 1) = cde S=(c, 0) = a S=(c, 1) = d S= (d, 0) = c S= (d, 1) = e S= (e, 0) = d S= (e, 1) =error Autonomous Parking Solutions Autonomous parking solutions are capable to way store huge number of vehicles within sufficient space. How Autonomous Parking System works The procedure of autonomous parking solution begins as soon as elevator come to pick the car, the door I s then closed and after that stored into vacant parking space and automatically return to entry box when we press the button. Maximizing the use of space for parking Besides the ease of parking for the user, maximum parking capacity is guaranteed because there are no slopes of carriageways with the autonomous parker. Reasons why Autonomous Parking System is the ideal solution There are several reason why autonomous park is the ideal solution because whenever and wherever the huge number of vehicle park need to be park over the available space, e.g. optimum access times, comfortable operation, protection against theft, robbery, burglary and harm, low maintenance requirements, and last but not least, high adaptability to the individual garage planning project with respect to the options regarding maximum possible car heights. [6] Automated Parking General Descriptions Below is a list of terms and definitions to better assist you in understanding the nomenclature in the FATA Sky parks automated parking systems. Entry section The point where the driver parks their vehicle. Exit section The point where the driver retrieves their vehicle and where the APS will transport the vehicle when the request is made. Joint Entry and Exit The vehicle is dropped off and picked up at the same section. This option requires extra space allow for a turntable to turn the vehicle around. Turntable Speeds up the retrieval time by simplifying the exit system in combination sections. The vehicle is turned 180 degrees and is ready to be driven forward out of the Combined Entry/Exit module, rather than being backed out. Robot Shuttle The mechanical part of the system that picks up the parked vehicle in the entry/exit or combo section and moves the vehicles horizontally along the primary walkway to a vertical lift or available parking space. Multiple robots can be used. Dedicated Robots Robot shuttles that are dedicated to each parking floor. benefit once the vehicle is put down on a vertical lift the robot can retrieve another call on that level. The dedicated choice is generally a faster system. Roaming Robots Robot shuttles that travel through the system with the vehicles on them by riding up on a end-of-aisle lift. Benefit less robots are used, but release times are compact. Autonomous The robots move separately from each other. Advantage if a robot requires service the efficiency of the system is only modestly affected. Off-Corridor Vertical Lift The portion of the system that moves the vehicles vertically from the entry level to an above/below ground-parking floor. Used in conjunction with dedicated robot shuttles and only transfers the vehicle to alternate floors. Typically used on systems that have a robot aisle greater than 75-100 in length to increase delivery speeds. End-of-aisle Vertical Lift The section of the system that moves the vehicles vertically from the entry level to an above/below ground-parking floor. Used in combination with Roaming robot transports and lifts the robot carry and vehicle to alternate floors. Typically used for systems with a robot aisle less than 100 in length. Layout The organization of the parking structure including the demonstration of parked vehicles off of the robot aisle. Conventional parking pass on to the typical concrete parking structures with vehicle slope access to multiple floors. Non-Automated Queuing Time Queuing time refers to the time necessary the system is busy before another vehicle is allowed to enter the system. Queuing time is dependent relative on the entry and exit time of the driver (length of time to depart or enter the parked car) and the amount of automated lifts, robots, and entry / exit modules utilized. Attendant Requirements No attendant is required, however, an attendant is useful in assisting drivers to negotiate the system. If the parking lot is open to the public and not strictly the building tenants, an attendant is recommended. Benefit of parking Guidance System/Autonomous Parking System The obvious benefit of automated parking systems  is the ability to fit more cars in less space which can solve many parking problems, but there are many other benefits to the developer, operator,  consumer and society in general.   For example, consider the countless acres  of open space consumed by  parking lots  and all the storm water runoff generated by that entire impervious surface.   Self park ramp garages  are more efficient, but still take twice the space as an automated parking facility.     By contrast, automated parking garages are a green solution since they  preserve open space,  have low energy consumption and have no carbon emissions, because vehicles are shut off before being parked in the system. General benefits Decrease in time spent for searching parking. The efficiency and accessibility benefits from reduced searching can also cause good result in some lessening in accidents due to reduced driver frustration Reduced pollution. Changes in pollutant emissions due to Parking Guidance information are most closely related to changes in overall travel time, for example, yearly pollutant release are reported to have been reduced due to a PGI system in Munich, Germany. Reduction in traffic jams due to fewer cars driving around for spaces searching.   Elimination of stand in line entering parking facilities because drivers will not go to a facility where there is no available space.   Reduction in unlawfully parked vehicles.   Better distribution of flow and parking demand through the area. Autonomous parking systems result in higher revenues and profitability for the parking facilities.   Operator Benefits    Reduced labor    Reduced liability    Reduced lighting HVAC      Total control over access enforcement Consumer Social Benefits    Eliminate fender benders    Eliminate theft and vandalism    Reduce carbon emissions    Preserve open space Highlights of autonomous parking The main highlights of the automated parking systems served by stacker crane in comparison with other systems are: optimum use of the available space, minimum room of a parking automobile, no need of platforms and staircases, module principle of building, that meets the requirements of the clients, shortening the time needed for building a parking system, Less time for parking and forwarding because of the high traveling speed of the stacker crane and simultaneously vertical and horizontal movement and so on. Examples of Autonomous Parking System Features of Hoboken, New Jersey Benefits of the autonomous parking system include: optimization of space utilization, security, convenience, lower garage owners liability insurance, greater reduction schedule, lower lighting and ventilation requirements (no cars driving around inside; no people go inside), and lower emissions and less pollution (clean parking system). Car Towers at the Autostadt: A Hive for Beetles Fig [5] Features The Car Towers is a 20-story tall car storage space tower in Wolfsburg, Germany. Its owned operated by Volkswagen, which enlighten why all the cars around 800 at full capacity are VWs. The Car Towers has often been used to demonstrate public parking garages of the future even though its a private endeavor that merely allows VW to save space. Dubai Robotic Car park Fig - [8] Features The robotic car park in Deira, Dubai (above) doesnt have the enough storage space of the Car Towers (14 cars instead of 800) but it is practical, workable and open for business. A 67-car capacity robot car park in New Yorks Chinatown works on the same principal. CONCLUSIONS The future belongs to the automated parking garages and the efforts made in this direction account for the investments. Automated parking garages are better decision from the social point of view. For example the owners of cars who park their cars in parking automat are forced to pay higher parking charges. This is extremely important in order to shorten the time for servicing a single cell for parking, which is a basic criteria in building automated parking systems for cars. Summary The primary purpose of this autonomous parking study was to determine short-term and long-term recommendations to improve parking in cities. The parking study initially evaluated existing conditions, determined primarily through reviews of background materials (including previous parking studies), . The examination of existing conditions provided the baseline data from which future development, with its impact on parking supply and demand, could be evaluated. Finally, parking alternatives were considered to address future needs, as well as improve the utilization and efficiency of existing parking resources. Future parking alternatives included potential parking supply changes, as well as general parking management strategies.