Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Relationship between Workload and Effectiveness in the Nursing Research Paper

Relationship between Workload and Effectiveness in the Nursing Practice - Research Paper Example Unfortunately, though, there often arise factors such imbalanced nurse-patient ratio, lack of motivation, ill-resourced facilities and absence of on-the-job training that prevent nurses from working as effectively as they are expected to. It is against this background that the present project is being carried out to ascertain how a properly planned nurse-to-patient ratio can help in improving the service delivery given by nurses to patients. Some emphasis will be given to nurse-to-patient ratio through the other factors mentioned shall be considered. At the end of the project, it is expected that there will be a clear outline of new responsibilities expected of nurses even as their duties will be adjusted. There will also be a major recommendation to cut down the couple-per-nurse from four mothers and four babies to three mothers and three babies per nurse. The work of the nurse is undoubtedly one of the most stressful professions. This is because it entails working with different people with different needs and attitudes. Regardless of the health needs of the patient and the patient’s personal attitude, the nurse is expected to fit in squarely without fail. This indeed is a very challenging situation for any nurse at all. In light of this, researchers have come to study the relationship between the workload of a nurse and effectiveness at the workplace. According to a recent study, nurses work best if the workload they have to handle per day (8 hours) is minimal enough to attract full attention. This means that overcrowding of patient population would automatically stress the nurse up and affect her effectiveness at work. Such nurses may either resort to falling on inexperienced nursing assistance or abandoning certain core aspects of their work.  

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