Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Turn Down a Job Offer with Professionalism

How to Turn Down a Job Offer with Professionalism When you’re on the job hunt, your focus is so fully on getting to that job offer: all of your energy goes into making yourself into the ideal candidate, and making sure that the hiring manager knows how very ideal you are. But what happens if you get to that point and the job just isn’t right for you? 1. Reasons to Turn Down a Job Offer2. When to Turn Down a Job Offer3. How to Turn Down   a Job Offer4. What Not to Do When You Turn Down a Job OfferReasons to Turn Down   a Job Offer1. You couldn’t come to an agreement on compensation.Sometimes, negotiation just doesn’t go the way you want it to go, and you just can’t compromise any further.2. The job wasn’t what you thought it would be when you applied.Maybe that 40s:â€Å"I don’t think this job is the best fit for me right now.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I’ve decided to accept another offer.† If you do this, you don’t need to say where, but it would be helpful for the compan y to know if their top candidates are bailing because other places are offering more comprehensive benefits, better hours, etc. No matter what, be diplomatic.Reiteration of appreciationRemember, you want the company to feel like you’re the one that got away, not the close call they had with a monster.Nice closingThe same kind of closing you use for any standard business communication applies here. Regards, best wishes, thanks again, sincerely, and similar ones all work. No melodrama, just easy and respectful closure.Here’s a sample offer rejection letter you can use for reference if you find yourself in this position.Dear Scooter,Thank you very much for offering me the position of Senior Swamp Correspondent. After careful deliberation, I’ve decided to accept another position that’s more in line with my experience and my goals. I really appreciate your time and consideration, though, as well as the chance to meet your excellent colleagues Fozzie and Gonzo. I know your team will continue to achieve great things in TV production, and I look forward to hearing about your continued success.Best wishes, KermitThere are also other examples and templates online that you can use, like here and here. The most important thing is to write what feels right for you- it should be in your voice, but if you find yourself at a loss for what to say, you can stick to these guidelines and dash off a perfectly nice rejection note.The level of formality may vary, depending on a) how formal the company is (which you’ll have a sense of from your interview and interactions with the company), and b) how well you know the person receiving the note. Err on the side of formality, but if a textbook form letter just doesn’t feel right, just make sure to hit the six points above, and keep the tone light and professional.What NOT to Do When You Turn Down a Job OfferWhile you’re crafting your â€Å"it’s not you, it’s me† note , there are some pitfalls to keep in mind as well. Don’t even consider the following:Using powerfully negative words like â€Å"reject.†It just sounds harsh, so†¦find a nicer way to phrase things, like, â€Å"opting to pursue other opportunities† or â€Å"will not be able to accept your offer at this time.†Taking a hostile tone.If you didn’t get along with anyone along the way, or discovered that you really don’t like the company, this is not the place to vent that. No sarcasm, snide remarks, or profanity.Posting about it on social media.It’s just poor form†¦and if you put a company on blast after they offer you a job, you could do some heavy damage to your own reputation.Talking smack about the company or anyone you spoke to throughout the process.If you met with someone really obnoxious during your interview process, now is not the time to talk about it. If you have any grievances, same deal. Just be thankful you got away unscathed, and be nice as you’re walking out the door.You’re breaking off a potential relationship here, but instead of disappearing into the comfortable anonymity of a dating app, you’re talking to people in an industry where you (presumably) want to keep working. You have to acknowledge the offer and also that you will not be accepting it. It’s not that hard, I promise! The awkwardness and unpleasantness that would result from just ignoring an open offer (and potentially wasting the time of someone following up on it) are just not the way to conduct yourself in a professional way.With these tools, you’re ready to take the difficult step of cutting loose from the hiring process. It can be a difficult decision, but again- if the job isn’t right for you or you have better opportunities, there’s no need to draw it out. Be quick, be nice, and be firm†¦and you’re out and ready to move on to the next opportunity.

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