Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Impact Of Social Media On Higher Education - 947 Words

Mark Blankenship (2011) in the article† How Social Media Can and Should Impact Higher Education† discusses the impacts of Social Media on higher education. Nowadays technologies like Skype, Twitter and Facebook, are used in higher education for many tasks like worldwide discussion about any pedagogical subject. Therefore, social media has many advantages and disadvantages for faculty and students, it would help the students to be more responsible for their education and have greater interest and engagement. Also, social media can inspire new creativity in the way of teaching. On the other hand, the professors do not get paid for using social media in their lectures. In addition, there is a lack of physical contact when teachers use social media. Finally, teachers cannot depend on student having smart phones or computers. From my point of view, all these disadvantages prevent the using of social media in higher education and since there is no space sharing which lead to ha ve no great ideas. Another problem, that the technology is expensive so you cannot rely that every student can afford it. However, I think that social media has positive impacts on the students such as, building a new bond with the instructors. For example, I used twitter to connect with my instructor about some educational issues since his email was off. Moreover, the ocean of online information can help us to decide if this information is relevant to our courses because we have many essays and researchShow MoreRelatedHorizon Report: Higher Education Editions Essay1613 Words   |  7 Pages2014 Higher Education Editions seeks to answer several questions and as such examined emerging technologies for the potential impact on and use in teaching, learning and creative inquiry within the environment of higher education. 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