Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Epigenetic Research - 756 Words

The penchant for analytical thinking and the scientific system was prevalent in my upbringing, a by-product of being born to two scientists. Therefore, when I began working on epigenetic research on Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD) at Saint Louis University, I felt comfortable around the slow, systematic approach studded with jargon heavy language. I was excited to experience molecular biology, to work in the same kind of labs I’d visited as a child. When I applied to the job, FSHD was words linked to the epigenetic status of the D4Z4 sequence. In other words an abstract concept. That was the extent of my understanding until I met a 13 year old FSHD patient. If epigenetic changes are the result of environmental factors or†¦show more content†¦Volunteering at the HRC gave me the opportunity to interact with patients from varied socioeconomic, ethnic and linguistic backgrounds. Every weekend I grew more comfortable navigating the diverse waiting room, wh ether by using my polylingual background to learn key words of Spanish, Arabic, Russian, or Mandarin, or seeing how far a smile and eye contact could go. Years of involuntary practice as the â€Å"agony aunt† for my friends prepared me as an empathetic listener, a skill I employed to ensure the clinic’s visitors received the most comprehensive care. One incident stands out in my memory. Hep A vaccine, I assisted the patient with the phone, I noticed his eyes glazing over between pressing each digit on the phone. Within seconds I would have to wake him and repeat our conversation. That five-minute interaction with him made it clear that the man was far beyond the simple sleep-deprivation he believed it to be. The physician I brought in determined that the man probably suffered from narcolepsy, and I worked to connect him to the appropriate groups and for transportation. It struck me that the man had gone through the entire clinic, received a vaccine, and no one had been able to interact with him long enough in the frenzy of a weekend clinic. He showed me that while medicine did rely on exciting equipment and sophisticated techniques, sometimes a friendly conversation was enough to start making the difference in one man’s health. That direct interaction withShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Epigenetics And Genetics, Research Of Epigenetics, And Diseases Associated With Epigenetics Essay773 Words   |  4 PagesRole of Epigenetics The research of epigenetics has evolved from the twentieth century from two scientists including Conrad H. Waddington and Ernst Hadorn who combined genetics and biology. There was an interest in this study in the 1990s. Research has evolved trying to figure out the changes caused by epigenetic mechanisms. This field is growing as researchers are unraveling environmental and lifestyle influences on genes (Epigenetics, n.d.). 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