Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Art history- Making study guides for a quiz Essay

Art history- Making study guides for a quiz - Essay Example By hiding the faces of his two protagonists, Courbet makes it difficult for the viewer to identify with them and their plight. He treats them as two facts in a painting emphasizing the appearance, texture, and weight of things, through the use of thickly applied paint (often laid down with a palette knife) that conveys the materiality of the physical world. Some writers view it as an expression of conservative fatalism akin to Millet’s BUT, Courbet’s friend the socialist philosopher Pierre-Paul Proudhon, in 1865, says its the first socialist picture ever painted and Courbet referred to it as a depiction of â€Å"injustice.† It shows the inside of a large, horse-drawn bus that transported Parisians along one of Haussmann’s new boulevards. Daumier places the viewer in the poor section of the bus, opposite a serene grandmother, her daughter, and her 2 grandchildren, whose intimacy and unity is contrasted to their physical and mental separation from the upper class passengers behind them. Frustration over the practices of the Salon jury reached its limit in 1863 when they rejected nearly 3,000 works. Napoleon III ordered their exhibition - the Salon des Refuses (â€Å"Salon of the Rejected Ones†). Le Dejeuner , scandalized contemporary viewers and established Manet as a radical artist, challenging academic conventions. Manet born in Paris, studied in early 1850s with Thomas Couture. By the early 1860s Manet committed to realism, due to his friend, Baudelaire, the poet call for - â€Å"the painter of the passing moment and all the suggestions of eternity that it contains.† Manet responded to Baudelaire’s call in, Le Dejeuner. Its frank declaration of modernity was offensive to the academic establishment and the average Salon-goer. Most disturbing was the â€Å"immorality† of Manet’s theme: a suburban picnic with a scantily clad bathing woman in the background and, in the foreground, a completely naked woman, seated alongside two fully

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