Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Managing Time Essay

The topic of my final research paper is managing time as an adult learner. I feel that this is an important topic to research because a lot of adults do not completely manage their time as an adult learner should along with being employed and raising a family. Although some adults have to manage their time more carefully because some adults either are not employed or do not have children to raise and sometimes even both. The first step to wisely managing your time is to set boundaries. You should manage your energy wisely. It is important never to overwork yourself because you can become stressed and overwhelmed and even begin to stray away from what you are supposed to be doing. It is also important that you make sure you always respect your limits that you have set for yourself. If you cross these limits, you could find yourself in a world of trouble. Disrespecting your personal set limits can cause you to feel completely overworked and that can be unhealthy. The second step to managing your time wisely is to stay motivated. You must make sure to keep yourself on track. If you allow your mind to wander off track of what you need to be doing, it is very likely that what you need to be doing will not get done on time or even at all. It is a good idea to try to have fun while working at the same time, so make your experiences fun. Some people may find it easier to get their work done and get through the day if they make a fun experience out of everything that they do. You should reward yourself after every task that you accomplish successfully. Doing this can even in fact make you feel better about yourself. Another step to managing your time as an adult learner is choosing your study surroundings. You should choose a quiet study area where you are able to go to study. This place can be somewhere throughout your home or even in a public library. You should as your study area all the time. It is also important to choose a good study time. When choosing your study time you should always keep in mind when the place is the quietest and when it will be the easiest for you to concentrate without a lot of distractions. It is also important to avoid any kind of distractions. With that being said, it would not be smart to choose a study area where there is a television, a radio, or a lot of people. These things can be a huge distraction to someone who is trying to concentrate on something important. One last step to remember when managing your time as an adult learner is to take breaks as much as needed. If you are doing work and you begin to get frustrated, simply put your work away and take a break for a while. It is extremely important not to overwork yourself because if you do you can become overwhelmed, frustrated and stressed out. Lastly, it is important to balance out your routine. It is not healthy to try and do too much work at one time. Space put your work so that you are still able to take breaks throughout your day. The very last step to managing your time as an adult learner is to not spend all of your time on school work. If you have a family then you have to make sure that you set aside a decent amount of time to spend time with your family so that they do not feel neglected because you dedicate all of your time to your school work. Your family needs to know that just because you are a college student now, they are still important to you. They should be the number one reason why you have chosen to go to college. It is important that they know this, so you should tell them often so that they do not forget. This concludes my research paper. I have described to you the steps that it takes to managing your time as an adult learner. These steps are as follows: setting boundaries, staying motivated, choosing your study surroundings, and taking breaks. Thank you for taking the time out to read this paper, I hope you enjoyed it

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